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Mono Tempo

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Howdy! My name is Assassin and I present to you a mono T deck and a small guide to this deck.
This is my first guide so if you find any mistakes in my writing or have any question then please leave a comment, :)

Part 1 ,, What is this deck ?''
This deck is a ramp deck that instead of aiming for big stuff it rather aims for a bit smaller stuff. The reason for such tactic is becouse this deck is meant to be a tempo that usually tries to get to 5/4 power as fast as possible to quickly start playing value stuff like Sandstorm Titan or Alhed, Mount of Breaker.

Part 2 ,,How does the early and mid game looks like?''
Your early game schould be focused on getting to ramp elements such as Initiate of the Sands or Power Stone in order to get to 3 mana on turn 2 or 4 mana on turn 3. This way whe will be able to play our smaller stuff such as Amaran Stinger , Teacher of Humility or Dawnwalker. Those cards will help us to buy enough time for the big stuff.
When it comes to mid game then all you have to do is play your more expensive ramp cards in preparation for late game. Eventually you will be force to use market in order to get cards required for specifics decks but I will get to that later.

Part 3 ,,How do I finish my enemy whit this deck?''
When it comes to winning in late game there are 2 main options. Option one would be to out value your enemy and constantly push more and more value onto the board. Just remember to watch out for Harsh Rule and End Of Story.
Option 2 would be to market for Etched Monolith then play it and hope your enemy does not have enough fast removal as you constantly attack him.

Part 4 ,,How do I use market in this deck?''
The market itself can be used as 3 mana ramp to get to expensive stuff.

The Praxis Arcanum : This card is for mirrors or midrange decks as cards from this site provide resources required for achieving a higher value on board. This card can also be used on control but be aware that once the site is complete you won't be able to enjoy the presence of Talir, Unbound as it will most likely die to a removal.

Eternity Core : Additional ramp to get to 6/7 mana in case of a bad draw or when in need for power when having screw.

Etched Monolith : Perfect card to win against control decks as it will allow you to turn your creatures into a dangerous treat as they will all have haste. Of course such card can be removed by them but while it's on board it schould be able to provide enough damage to get things going.

Passage of Eons : Perfect pick for all the relic decks or armory. It can also provide some advantage in mirror matches or against aggro decks.

Predatory Carnosaur : A rather expensive card but it works as a removal to clear the board. Fell free to use this way or draw it in order to have another creature on board in case of running out of cards.

Part 5 ,,How do I win against....?''
In this part I will quickly explain how to win against certain archetypes.

Control : A very hard game in theory but can turn out to be a easy game. All whe need to make the game winnable is Etched Monolith or Dawnwalker. Those cards are very hard to deal whit and schould be enough to provide enough damage to kill your enemy.

Aggro : This game would be all about getting to all our cards that can heal us in any possible way.
Those cards would be Etched Monolith as it changes our hp to 25 when sacrificed for 10 mana, Moonstone Vanguard as a blocker that would heal us, Amber Waystone for 2 hp and Call for Aid.

Midrange : This is a rather simple game. All that you would have to do would be to out value your enemy whit your cards. It can be suprisingly easly as this deck has a lot of legends and big stuff.

Part 6 ,,But I don't have enough dust to craft all those legends!''
If that is the case then I prepared a simple way to finding cards to use instead of legends or cards from adventure.
When trying to find such a card all you have to do is to find a card whit the same cost and similar effect. If that would be impossible then don't be afraid to put cards that cost more or less. Also if you have other legends then fell free to throw them in.
When it comes to rares...Sadly you would have to craft them all.

Part 7 ,,I want to craft this but how schould I start?''
If you wish to create this then I think you schould start whit adventures. Once those would be bough and completed then it's times for rares and legends. At first focus on getting all the rares. After this it's time for big boys. At first you schould craft Sandstorm Titan after him the order of crafting is up to you.

Thanks for reading my guide :)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

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Deck Rarities
8 18 22 14

Card Types
43 7 3 1 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Homecoming [Set1005]


April 26, 2019


Eternal Version

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rangent Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Good guide! Thanks for posting!
Assassin Eternal Version: 1.45.7
Thanks :D Maybe soon I will think of more mono decks.