Here it is guys, the winningest Nictotraxian deck in the 2018 February meta. If you like winstreaks, and hot girls fawning over your card game prowess look no further than this deck. It's as simple as clicking export, import, and then just click the chests that drop after every win.
Also if you like hearthstone, you're going to love playing this as Nicto and the stranger keeps showering you with random winconditions.
Disclaimer: Please don't take this too seriously
Nope, definitely cannot take this not-meant-to-be-taken-seriously deck serious! Seriously! Step up your game, good sir.
If we're going to meme, we should meme as hard as we can. The deck needs to actually be able to win games (while sticking to the core philosophy), otherwise it isn't as much a deck as a pile of cards. Agree on Smuggler's Stash and Disjunction, but Corrupt and Mistveil Drake have won me some games. Also it's fun throwing spells back at opponents face. Torch didn't make it since fire is the least splashed color, but I haven't actually tried with it in.