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Feln Hero

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Berserk deck built around Hero of the People and Haunting Scream. The idea is to hold onto Hero until you can stack her with a bunch of battle skills and do huge amounts of damage with berserk.

Crownwatch Paladin and Unseen Commando are the best cards to drop on Hero of the People, especially by doing it with Haunting Scream. Dusk Raider's Inspire makes it easy to get berserk (and then reckless when you use berkserk) on any of your units for an even bigger Hero, with Gift of Battle being a backup plan for if your Raiders get removed. Paladin's aegis gives Hero protection from removal, and Unseen Commando stacks his additional damage twice when she goes berserk.

Fleshed out version of the budget list: Feln Hero - Fun Budget Combo Deck


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 1

Power Sources
15 17 13 19

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
12 42 19

Card Types
26 5 23 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


October 29, 2018

October 3, 2018


Eternal Version
Into Shadow

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) October 16, 2018



Zanarkan Eternal Version: 1.40
Really like it a lot! Just changed Hailstorm for Harsh Rule, since i don't have it. Could this be improved with some other rare/legendaries?
SzGamer227 Edited Eternal Version: 1.40
I'm glad you're enjoying it! All of this deck's important cards are uncommons and rares. The only legendary card used in decks with similar Haunting Scream strategies is Rindra, the Duskblade, but this deck's muscle comes from Hero instead.

If you're interested in a high-tier meta Scream combo deck, Haunted Highway dominated the Reunion tournament with 3 spots in the top 4: Haunted Highway 3.0