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Scattershot Automaton OTK

Throne Deck By
The Barbarian Camp


Cost Curve




I thought up this deck and then I made it. It's a 50 power deck in order to make the most of the mulligan's rule of giving 3-5 non-power cards on the redraw.

The plan is to reduce the cost of insistent automaton to 0 and play twinning ritual on it. These automatons can perpetually bounce each other and with scattershot this deals damage to the opponent.

This list was fairly successful over my first few games with it, maintaining something of a 50% winrate which is more than I expected. Then I lost a few games and discovered that aggro is more prevalent in the low ranks, so I lost more.

I have no tips for playing this deck because I have no idea how to play this deck.

This likely isn't the optimal list. Cost reduction such as muskets in the main could be good, jennev merchant could help find the combo pieces in primal and perhaps wisdom could be good too, though they're hard to fit in 25 cards. Perhaps a list with a standard powerbase would be better?


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 1 1

Power Sources
18 18 18 12 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
16 25 21

Card Types
24 1 5 0 50


September 29, 2018

September 28, 2018


Eternal Version
Card and bug fixes, onboarding campaign changes

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Almost Eternal Version: 1.39
This deck is similar to the 4-faction combo deck that uses scattershot + a 0-cost recurring nightmare. The setup is more complicated here since you need two 0-cost automata, but it's only three-color so maybe that helps with consistency.