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RDW (gold 1 to masters in a day)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Red deck wins


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

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Deck Rarities
24 16 14 4

Card Types
28 12 10 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


June 8, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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Kalziea Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Thank you for posting this deck! I have enjoyed playing it. The speed and consistency is quite refreshing.
HeatedWater Eternal Version: 1.31.6
glad you like it, I feel this is pretty much only a viable deck due to the massive greed in the 3f midrange piles rn :) hopefully effective aggro will keep mid in line again ^^ that said, the upcoming 4th set has some interesting cards, looking forward to see what cards like mindfire will do for mono red
Darkness3827 Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
There are a couple super weak cards in this deck, which is I guess to be expected given that it is Mono Fire. The 2 main cards I have issue with are Heavy Axe and Cloud of Ash. Both just do way too little to warrant being a card in your deck. I think going wider with something like Assembly Line and Rally would be better. I'd also consider Jekk for top end. He just wins games if he gets going. Probably a bit too expensive but it's definitely worth trying IMO. You could also splash Shadow for cards like Bandit Queen, which i don't think will hurt your consistency much and are super powerful. You don't even need to go full on SS to get good benefits IMO.
HeatedWater Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Heavy axe has been quite good in the deck honestly, going t1 1 drop into t2 one drop + axe or having a cheap weapon to put on Censari brigand and another weapon target for warcries is never not advantageous.

Cloud of ash breaks board stalls easily and help you push lethal, most decks with endurance units only have a couple (SST, Icaria, Kothon, Tavrod) so going wide then cast cloud of ash can be pretty strong in board states where you'd otherwise be unable to push lethal.

I can see your point regarding bandit queen but again that would be sacrificing non depleted influence consistency for power level, this deck is meant to never require any setup for your influence so you always have threats played each turn, even requiring seats and seek power would diminish the point of this deck.

This deck wins or lose way before Jekk would be relevant, you would want to finish off with burn when able to cast Jekk most of the time.
HeatedWater Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
I got quite a negative comment stating that this deck wasn't playable and not "the deck" (this comment was removed, by the submitter or a moderator I don't know) which probably refers to not being identical to the mtg variant. Which I can understand as a criticism, however the deck is functioning in the same spirit as any sligh deck archetype, the focus is efficient use of your turns and win while your opponent is setting up their power base.

The current meta is extremely greedy on depleted power (crests, banners, sigils, seek power etc) often meaning any start is slow and influence requirements on turns are narrow and specific, even skycrag decks are running a large amount of potentially depleted power and have specific turns that require specific influence.

The meta has in other words sacrificed influence consistency for the power level of their deck, this deck wins by simply never missing influence on turns where you need x faction power to play x card. The overall power level of this deck is lower than most, but it can't be matched in turn consistency.

Where other decks are worrying about variance keeping them from curving (influence screw) this deck only experience power screw, which no deck is immune from. And due to how the mulligan system operates you can safely run the minimum amount of power without being punished.

I rarely write deck techs for the decks I upload as I usually only use this to host my decks as shareable links to interested parties, I am a brewer and criticism is appreciated always, and I'm happy to answer questions about my decks, but I would enjoy it to be more constructive than "deck is shit" because what that means is hard to know.
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