Varbuk, Hand of Anarchy plays well into the current Stonescar meta, killling Champion of Chaos, Syl, Vicious Highwayman, and Cen Wastes Smuggler. The rest of the deck is just a basic Kira shell, with
Ijin, Walking Armory as your other payoff for being Rakano. Don't forget that you have the option of holding Ijin until 5 power so you can play her and a 2-drop in the same turn for a guaranteed proc.
The deck can be tuned depending on what you are facing on the ladder. If facing a lot of Stonescar, add more
Edict of Kodosh. If facing control, add more
Sediti, the Killing Steel. For aggro, add more
Torch and maybe a Stormhalt Knife in the market.