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Guns in the Wind

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Infinite gunsmith combo is an archetype I've been in love with ever since I knew it was a thing, but the deck's never really been that great. Consistency problems, lack of any permanent response to threats, and 4 combo pieces you need to draw have always meant that, while the deck is incredibly fun when it goes off, it doesn't do so enough to be anywhere remotely competitive at the higher ranks of ladder.

Set 3 changed that, giving options for an incredible amount of card consistency and more varied responses, and all-around a far more competitive deck that's a blast to play. I hope at least some of you will find this interesting enough to try out if you're looking for a fun deck with a large variety of ways to win in every game.

General Play Tips
As this deck involves an infinite combo, you mainly want to be as defensive as possible. You don't care if your opponent is gaining life, as you can do up to 75 damage in one shot. Conserve your life, remove your opponent's threats, and try to exhaust their answers to your West-Wind Herald. Slower matchups are best for this deck, but it's definitely possible to stabilize against an Aggro matchup - like any Aggro-Control matchup that's kind of up to whether or not you draw enough answers in your starting hand.

Armory and killer-focused decks are usually the biggest threats, as they can remove your west-wind heralds usually for free. If you're up against armory or anything looking remotely like time-based midrange, be very cautious about playing your Heralds out until you either have a Mirror Image ready to play immediately or are sure your opponent is out of threats.

The Core Combo
West-Wind Herald - The Thing that Lets You Win. Even without any other combo piece, this is your biggest threat and it can often be underestimated. Your spells aren't the most efficient, but they are powerful and being able to recur them can swing the game around entirely.
Cabal Spymaster - Required for the combo and makes your Herald into a threat that must be answered immediately. Also is a body to put down on the field in an emergency.
Calderan Gunsmith - The last unit you need for the combo, and also a very good utility card. Can sneak your Herald or fanatics in over some fliers or an SST, has amazing synergy with your Scouting Party, and can just push damage through/ping weapons off an armory deck/remove a face aegis in a pinch.
Mirror Image - The reason this is an infinite combo. With Herald, Spymaster, and Gunsmith out on the field, play this on the Gunsmith and then recur until your opponent is entirely riddled with bullets. Face aegis or fast spells can stop this, so remember to remove that first and try to play the combo out when you know it's safe. Is also effective on a screamed Gorgon Fanatic or on a West-Wind Herald by itself.

Interestingly, although the full combo is a win condition, this deck doesn't actually care about purposefully digging for and assembling the full combo all at once. There's enough card draw that it tends to just happen on its own. Herald is itself a threat that can swing entire boards around if unanswered, and Gunsmith and Spymaster are useful to put down in an emergency. Mirror Image is actually probably best when played earlier than when you're ready to trigger your combo, as having it in the void it means you only need 5 power to make your combo happen in one turn.

Card Draw
Fairly self-explanatory cards. We have Quarry, Strategize, Gorgon Fanatic (+ Haunting Scream), Scouting Party, and Celestial Omen. Celestial Omen is especially powerful when recurred.

Haunting Scream can also help enable your combo, as Spymaster is screamable - as can Herald or Gunsmith if you pull them off a Quarry.

As mentioned before, you don't care about assembling the combo as fast as possible. Feel free to put some non-essential combo pieces in the void with Quarry or on the bottom of the deck with Strategize if you have more pressing needs.

The high crest count also gives you some much needed consistency, getting your through patches of flood and making your influence/power requirements much more relaxed in the opening turns. This deck is on the slow side, so the slow power doesn't hurt us a lot here - just be mindful of what you plan to play and how best to play it on-curve.

The most flexible part of the deck. This deck requires you to tune this section based on the current meta. Currently I'm seeing a lot of control (specifically Feln control), so there's a lot more Rain of Frogs and Devastating Setback than I'd normally put in. Since this is a flexible section, I'll list some good candidates you can include instead of just what's in the list:

Devastating Setback
Feeding Time
In Cold Blood
Stray into Shadow


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
9 16 12 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
11 22 31 2

Card Types
14 0 36 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Control Combo

March 24, 2018

February 10, 2018


Eternal Version
Dead Reckoning

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) March 24, 2018



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