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Rindra's Infiltrator (More consistent, less conditional, with upgrades)

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Hi there,

decided to try and tune the new starter deck to meet the demands for successful ladder play.
We got rid of most conditional cards like Trickster's Cloak which could be clunky, also we dont mind trading our units off since we run Dark Return and Haunting Scream which is the whole theme of the deck next to infiltration.

This is also a response to the reddit thread by LeFayssal

I also felt like keeping the main idea of DWD in this deck, but mentioning other cards that could fit perfectly into this deck, like Territorial Elf or Dusk Raider
I think its important for a new player to see all the fun things you can do, especially with some super conditional cards like Direwood Beastcaller and Beastcaller's Amulet.

Remember this is a list that shows possible upgrades, I highly encourage tuning a deck to your personal liking, so experiment away and find out which way you like best.

Fun cards like Miris Nightshade and Nocturnal Observer have been left in the deck because they are fun to play with and offer something unique, that can teach valuable lessons to newer players.
Once youre beyond the budget status, feel free to add stronger cards in those exact slots.

We also upped the count of Rapid Shot just because its amazing reach to hit the opponent for ridiculous amounts later in the game but also gets rid of big blockers like Sandstorm Titan while keeping your unit alive.

We got rid of Deathstrike for Annihilate purely because in the early game both cards tend to do the same, hitting important targets like Teacher of Humility or other annoying cards we cant afford to waste 4 Power on, while trying to win the game through tempo and overwhelming power.
Suffocate could potentially do the same job as Annihilate, but hits less targets and becomes less relevant the longer the game goes on. Annihilate usually hits targets at the end and the beginning of the threat curve.

Honorable Mentions

Dusk Raider for the nice berserk addition to your cards as an inspire effect. (instead of Gorgon Fanatic)

Territorial Elf for the amount of reach it offers, especially when screamed back onto the field with Rapid Shot. (instead of Direwood Beastcaller and Beastcaller's Amulet)

Gift of Battle as a one off in the market, to have easy access, but is depending on your merchant choice.

Crystallize to let you push through once you assembeled a decent board state against other midrange decks. Mostly a one off in the market aswell.

Snowcrust Yeti instead of Twilight Raptor or Gorgon Swiftblade, harder to deal with through the Aegis keyword.

Devour lets you draw more cards while getting rid of targets you want to scream back onto the field.
You can also chump block with one of your units and use devour to get rid of one attacker for this turn while also drawing cards and regaining health.

Possible Cuts

Twilight Raptor could be replaced by more copies of any card you like.
Its mainly there as a budget option and to get you a decent aggressive start in your games.
Could sometimes be arkward to cast because of the double influence requirements of both Shadow and Primal.

Gorgon Swiftblade mainly sees play these days as budget options just like Twilight Raptor. Some Scream decks opt for more card draw in form of Wisdom of the Elders instead of more units they dont particulary care about screaming back / dark returning in the future. You decide!

This might be a good time to mention that you mainly want to use units that have either a ridiculous effect that you can get off multiple times through screams and dark returns.
Everything that doesnt hit this requirement could potentially be cut, once you move out of budget territory.

Miris Nightshade and Nocturnal Observer seem like those cards aswell, even though the effect of Miris could be useful later on in the game.
Feel free to experiment, this is a guideline and not a 'YOU MUST' order.

Possible Upgrades

Rindra, the Duskblade more top end and the namesake of the deck. Works like a charm, no reason to not put in more copies of this card.

Dusk Raider while not being an expensive card fills a nice niche to put out more damage, but also draws alot of removal the moment it hits the board, because of the repercussions leaving it up could have.
Could feel underwhelming for newer players, even though it fits this deck perfectly.

Jennev Merchant or Kerendon Merchant could be used to have easy access to your win conditions, like one haunting scream as well as dark return or other shenanigans like one copy of rindra himself.
Make sure to use the market to strengthen your gameplan.

Rindra's Choice is a nice option for cheap in case you face a lot of multi faction cards, especially in the market.

More Direwood Beastcallers, just because I know for a fact that some people out there really love this card and the payoff. Can flood the board rather quickly, especially if you draw your Screams early and get them off reliably.

Midnight Gale has seen play as a stabilization tool against aggression from your opponent, though I haven't seen it quite as often lately, most likely fell out of favour of scream deck mains.

Bloodscent Avisaur to trigger more nightfalls and having some evasive units with flying. Offers a decent statline aswell.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
15 18 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
28 26 7 1

Card Types
28 6 16 0 25

Aggro Midrange

September 5, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Jester Eternal Version: 1.38
Do you think, Cabal Spymaster would be viable enough to fit this deck?
Havent seen him once as far as I remember, probably for a reason
MotherGreen Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Dude, I'm very thankful for your submitted lists. Keep it up! Really helps me as a new player. Having a blast currently with a slightly modified Rindra starter deck.
Eclipzerlol Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Hey there!
Glad I can help the community out and especially newer players that might feel overwhelmed at the start and all the potential options you have.
Finally got stable internet back, so the uploads will continue again :)!

Thanks mate!