The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
I would honestly spend the time testing with people that you meet in the community (avoid massive rank loss). The hardest thing for me in this deck is sometimes I get scared of 1 or 2 creatures and board clear to early. I play it a lot on stream if you wanna stop by sometime and ask me any questions or even play test a few rounds so I can give feedback. (It's a lot easier to explain in depth with my voice instead of typing).
To be honest I feel that this deck is very strong right now. It is a good meta call although it doesn't always have its part together. It's outcome will depend on the other decks in the event it is played in.
As a huge fan of the deck pre-nerf and someone who tried to desperately make it work post-nerf, I am glad to hear this. How do you play against HH though? I would just consistently get rolled by them.
I luckily haven't ran into that match up to often. Like any Hailstorm Vs Dudes that are X/-3 match up, I think it will really depend on the opening hand and the first two draws. It seems that the meta is switching away from HH. I played a ton of games with it since Tuesday and ran into HH less than five times.