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Bogles (AKA Aegis weapons)

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




A deck inspired by Magic decks of the same idea. Basically this is an all in aggro deck based on equipping weapons on an aegis dude and hoping it can get there since are opponent can't interact/remove it in time. Everything has aegis in the deck sans Iron Priestess which gives value if it eats removal/trades and Alchemy Student which is just used to give our aegis dudes lifesteal to race other aggro decks.

An ideal hand is often 3 power, 2 units (ideally one of the 1 cost aegis units), and 2 weapons. This deck often has awkward hands and you might have to keep sketchy hands (i.e, no weapons, 2 power, one unit) but that's just the nature of a deck like this. No unit hands are often unkeepable, but with two crests it might be passable.

Decided on no market since this deck just wants to go fast and can't play around with the tempo loss of a market. Rime Conclave Smuggler or Fearless Crescendo could be used if you really want a market however (prob sub out Monarch Cloak and throw it in the market if you want to run one of those 2 market access cards). The bargain cards give us some value at least in niche situations.

Rakano might be better since Fire has access to better weapons on average, but Hooru gives us 2 possible aegis dorks on turn 1 and more aegis dudes in general (including the powerful Plunk).

Is this deck Tier 1? Definitely not since relic weapons, Killer units, and other counters (like Ice Bolt) exist since DWD are smart designers. Is it worse than Kira? Probably since Kira is busted. Is it fun, plays differently, and wins fast? You betcha

Sideboard cards are cards to consider playing around with


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 1

Power Sources
21 20 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 27 25 8 4

Card Types
27 24 1 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


December 9, 2023


Eternal Version
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