Well folks, this is more or less the sling list that I’ve been running in and out of top 20 over this past month. It’s gone through many iterations and I’ve climbed as high as rank 5 with it and fallen as low as rank 50. We currently sit at about rank 20 with it now.
Since I’ve been seeing several lists going around again now I figured I’d throw mine into the ring and do so with a disclaimer. Whether or not this list performs well is heavily dependent on the meta. We’ve seen more and more sling counters begin to emerge over the past few weeks in the form of Reappropriator, Dichro’s Ruin’s resurgence, and From Below now in Aurelian Control, and it’s never been great against mandrakes. That said, any deck that takes a little longer to build up steam will usually fall to this.
So if you enjoy sling like me, feel free to take it for a spin, but do so with caution.