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Copperhall Chakram

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




So after a few creations and edits I came up with this deck that got me a fairly low cost deck that works in the current meta. After a few weeks this got me to silver rank 1 and expect to progress from there quite quickly.

Opening hand - 2 power cards + Seek Power or minimum 3 power cards. If you don't have Seek Power and no fire sigil, unless you have at least a couple of the following I would redraw.
Preferred opening cards - District Infantry, Copperhall Porter, Crownwatch Paladin (great to be paired with Elder's Feather as 9 times out of 10 you'll get 2 or more warcry's before your opponent can destroy), Steelfang Chakram

If you come up against another heavy infantry style opponent or even worse an escalating attack opponent, this is where keeping the numbers high are important. Copperhall Blessing is under-rated and mostly unexpected. On multiple occasions your opponent will go in for the kill without leaving anything for defence and this card turns the tables completely (even if they are hitting you for over 30 attack). So on that basis if you have it in hand and the game is tight, always consider saving 4 power.

Valkyrie Enforcer is also your next ace card. Use it wisely to remove danger (poison & flying) and have a flying unit to give your Steelfang Chakram

Steelfang Chakram get as many as you can in your hand, preferably warcry-ed up to the wazoo. The only common counter to this is stun and that is where Rolant, the Iron Fist can get you out of a tight spot. Remember Endurance breaks the stun but trying to use silence, will stuff up your Steelfang Chakram

District Infantry & Order of the Spire are unlikely to win you the game, but they are great distractions for your opponent, they will likely prioritise clearing these over you warcry units

Auric Sentry & Minotaur Grunt are great warcry units as the first half of play normally is heavily waited towards 2 damage or less so you can get some warcry's in even if you don't do any lasting damage

Harsh Rule only have 1 available but you may want to add more

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Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 3

Power Sources
4 21

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Deck Rarities
20 11 22 1

Card Types
30 8 12 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]

Aggro Control

April 20, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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