Argenport always has been very strong and Defiance has brought some good new cards for the deck!
I have testing this with good results. Some numbers might be adjusted a bit, but this roughly is what I think is very strong against midrange and control. It sometimes struggles against hyper aggro and folds against 2 Yeti's if you do not have a Setback on hand, but otherwise if you get to turn 5 you will have a pretty good game against even the more agressive decks.
The idea is to trade one on one with everything, use Wanted Poster and Sweepers for cardadvantage. Eventually you'll have a bigger hand in the endgame and will be able to finish it off with one of the relics or Tavrod.
Know when to play your removal and know what your oppoent will play next and how you will answer that most efficiently, just dropping stuff on the board will make this deck lose all it's strenght.
Smuggler might see a bit awkward, since you lose the Tavrod and Slay in the market. The smuggler itself adds a huge advantage against aggro decks, which makes the trade-off worth it in my opinion.
Let me know what you guys think!
<3 Selene