I have always wanted to make a deck that can react to removal and have proactive fast spells, while also running some card engines.
I feel this deck does that + having a backup plan for lategame in the form of
Quicksilver Mirror +
Aniyah, Arctic Sheriff and/or
Svetya, Orene of Kosul for constantly locking down one of the enemy units or making it impossible for them to play spells on their own turn. Crow is insane value, and often creating 1mana spells to use on either hojan or Aniyah.
I have used this deck (https://eternalwarcry.com/decks/details/XOxuHEX39HI/hardball-hooru) as a shell and tuned it more into my liking.
If you would like to change something in this deck, I would probably consider running
Vision of Austerity as a one of in the marked.