So this is an Elysian Jarall combo deck. I attempted to tune it to the best of my abilities for the combo, yet still having balance from early to late. In the current aggro meta, it can be rough. However if given the chance, the deck is cool. Basically you can do multiple little combos. Whether it be vengeful flights on Linrei Stranger etc., or using burden for exalted chaining. Of course, there's Jarall with savagery, which is the main combo. In its current tune, the only way to truly fail Jarall is to pull another 1 of 3 savagery (assuming you didn't pull more than 1 before Jarall). Considering the absurd amount of removal right now, you definitely want to do his killer combo on the same turn (watch out for annihilate). If you're interested, enjoy. Will take critique.