This deck is non competitive jank. Key units for the combo going are Plunderer, Metamorph and Shardbinder and the game plan heavily relies on synergies. And there is ton of them. The strangers are included mostly for the good stuff and further synergies (replenishing power, ramping, discount draws, more mono color flying bodies which draws more cards and carry weapons)
Main goal is to keep on board Horde Plunderer or Shardbinder and Sodi Metamorph. Or all of them for the best results. Then you can start playing weapons and getting crazy value out of free spellcraft and getting all of your mana back to play more cards or use relic abilities.
Notable synergies:
Relics + Mono colors units
Relics + Shardbinder
Weapons + Plunderer
Any spellcraft + Metamorph