This is a red deck wins type deck that plays on curve. However unlike other aggro decks it does not fold to mass removal like many low to the ground decks do. This deck has enough reach and midrange power to kill decks just before lategame decks try to stabilize.
The main strength of this deck is it's monofaction. This lets us consistently play soulfire drake and groundbreaker on curve. Both cards are also the best cards against midrange. Groundbreaker shuts down lifeforce decks completely while also being a powerful clock. Soulfire drake turns your entire deck into finishers if it dies as well being 5 burst damage as long as no blockers are around. Crimson Firemaw enables some crazy synergy with this deck allowing strong tempo plays like a 1 mana soulfire drake, or 0 mana censari with tricks. Speaking of tricks rampage has huge synergy with brigand and groundbreaker allowing you to burst opponents even from full life to near death.
You want to mulligan opening hands to be aggressive starts with early plays. Be aggressive afterall you are the beatdown most of the time. Against other aggro decks your cards like groundbreaker will stall their board while you attack with evasion creatures. Also this deck is definitely not for conceding early. You have many haste creatures, tricks, and burn that can kill opponents who think they are safe if they are at relatively high life at 15.
You think its valid on today's ladder ?