Main Deck
feat. Kairos Grand Champion
27 power plus 4 seeks + 3 or 4 amber acolyte + 2 find the way, should be enough power to reliably hit the 9 required for champion on curve. there are also some seasoned spelunker to give you a power stone or 3 on occasions to ramp.
I deliberately left out the other power ramp options such as initiate etc as I didn't want any weak 1 attack units on board should I ever get the champion and that's the only unit, as it feels really bad playing a 9 cost unit early just to draw 1 card
(which happened a few times in testing)
which is why I have also inc. some obelisks I think 2 is more than enough as the deck hits 8 power quite often so any summon of the giant gives really good value no matter what's on board
the combo potential with the ravid insect masters is really good 1/ it ramps you from 7 to 8 thins the deck and gives you a free flyer and 2. if you have grand champ in play any power played summons an insect letting you deal a min, of 1 damage
- cut porcelain mask for power stone to ramp even faster
- only have 3 tocas so far and would probably put in another for something else
infinite hour glass - to prevent stun and allow for defend after attack (can be eternity core for more ramp)