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Shimmerpack Tokens (masters may2018)

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Went from diamond 3 to masters using this deck I built late last season.
It plays like a RW token deck, but has aoe and carddraw/manipulation to smoothen out your draws and give you options.
I don't think the deck needs much explaining but I will explain a couple of singleton cards, as why they are in it.

Excavate: This is basicly a sort of silver bullet. It acts as a tutor most of the time, if you've ever played MTG and know Vampiric Tutor, you will understand its power. Usually it will be used on Hailstorm, Assembly Line, or Scouting Party. In some case Disciple if you need a specific blocker or a 4/4(counting in Xenan Obelisk) vs opponents Hailstorm. In some niche scenarios where I was looking for answers/ways to win I would use it on a draw spell.

Amber Ring: This card is the card that wins you the grindy games if it sticks. Making a 3/3 every turn when both players are cardless is really strong. It is generally used in the control matchups, and I always scout it away if I notice I am playing vs aggro. It is too slow in those games.

Calderan Gunsmith: I included this later on as an alternative finisher. Not always that usefull, but really strong with a Scouting Party on the board.

Shimmerpack: Even though the name of the deck is Shimmerpack tokens, I am pretty sure you could do well without. So why play him? Well, the games where it shined were the stalled games where my opponent had a couple of big blockers and hard to deal with units, and this will push you're units over that limit for the win. Combined with Xenan your units also trump theirs, and can get rid of pesky attackers/blockers of them aswell. A rough guess is I played this card 5 percent of the games, and 90 percent of those games I won off his back. TLDR: It's not always good but when it is you win basicly.

Hailstorm: Hailstorm in a token deck? Are you nuts? Well, it would seem that way yes. But Hailstorm combined with infinite chump blockers is a great way to deal with aggro decks. Sometimes a double Hailstorm can also just break open games vs midrange to allow you to flood the board and start your winning process. You can chump attack + blow everything up too to create an advantage. Remember, you are token deck, eventually your units will outgrow and out number theirs and you can always burst them down from nothing with cards like Rally and Shimmerpack.

Hopefully that was enough info :)

TLDR: a token deck that can shift gears quite easily that brought me to masters this season may 2018


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
13 10 14 11

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Deck Rarities
23 20 23 2

Card Types
13 6 30 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Aggro Control

May 13, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

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BarefootFarmer Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Very cool deck idea! Excavate is one of the most underappreciated cards in this game. Also, I imagine that you win a lot of games because your opponent doesn't know your 75 card for card...
TraxDaMax Edited Eternal Version: 1.31.6
The roguefactor sure won a bunch of games. You don't play around Shimmerpack or multiple Hailstorms (with Excavate for instance).
One game my opponent played Sabotage. He paused as he realized it didn't matter what he took as Excavate would be there to pick up what he tossed. He got rid of my Xenan and when the time was right I got it right back and won off of it. Excavate is the card I would never get rid of in this deck as it glues some issues together. You pick what you're stragey is going to be vs your opponent, and Excavate will be the support of that strategy in any situation.