I made this deck as a theorycraft with the 3 best decks of the last TNE tournament in mind (Hooru/TJP Soldiers, FTJ Sentinels and Xenan Midrange). So far it did a really good job at beating those decks (12:3, but I have mostly seen Soldiers. Sentinels and especially Xenan are a bit more difficult than Soldiers, but should still be a favoured matchup). The general gameplan is to be mostly reactive on turns 1 to 3 (Edict, Suffocate and Desserts can answer smaller threats if necessary and Vanquish, Edict and Desserts can answer Dovid) and proactive from turn 2 onwards (the strategy in the overlapping turns depend on your hand and on what the opponent is doing. This is again a deck that really rewards knowing when to be aggressive and when not).
To consistently get this curve I play 8 2 mana Plunder cards that can be played proactively. The other option would be to play Seek Power, but I decided against that because the deck plays a lot of depleted power, so you often cant Seek Power on 1, and playing it later can mess up the curve. That means that you often have to Plunder into a Sigil, but that is fine because the deck plays a solid amount of situational/match-up dependent cards. So the curve should work pretty consistently with 10 2 drops (Exploit is low tempo, so keep that in mind when you play against an aggressive deck), 16 3 drops and 8-12 4 drops (including the market Tactician). Flex spots are Kitaxius (I wanted more cheap Valk Warp cards and units iin general, but she isnt essential for the deck) and 2 Just Desserts (the worst removal in the deck, because it is reactive most of the time and holding up 2 mana is not great for this deck, but i wanted more potential outs for Dovid and Just Desserts is a pretty flexible removal spell). If you dont see any decks where Edict of Makkar is good against you can of course cut it too, but in diamond and master its a really good card right now.
Good luck and have fun!