This is less of an aggro deck and more of a dedicated burn deck. Your goal is to as quickly and efficiently as possible get them to 0. You'll use your units to push in a bunch of early damage, then kill them with your high damage burn spells. It's particularly good vs. most control decks, FJS Midrange, and Time decks if they don't have a fast ramping hand. It's pretty rough vs. most aggro, especially Combrei Aggro.
Redraws are simple: keep hands with early action. 1-cost units are great, as are Champions of Fury—definitely don't keep a hand without at least both. Two power hands are fine to keep, depending on the hand.
Use your 1-cost spells to play Pyre Elemental—one of the real stars of the deck—on turn 3. Factory Quota doesn't always need to be played right on 3, and it's often better to save it if you have another charge unit or 3-cost unit to play. Definitely play it right before you think they'll start to gain any life.
This deck is mostly an experiment, but it has about a 60% win rate so far over 20 games in high masters rank.
Sorry about the confusion. I found it fairly ridiculous and unlikely as well when I first ran into them. I never make any attempt to mislead. My low sample size is definitely not strong, but I tried to emphasize that it is more of an experiment. I tend to be a fairly high profile player, so some of the decks I post (such as this one) are more experimental and less refined: I post them just because people want to know what I'm playing, and I found this interesting enough to post for people to try further. Sorry again for the confusion!