Deck is basically still a theory craft as I've played less then 10 games, but it is 7-1 right now, including 3 in a row to take me to masters!
Deck was inspired by my frustration at trying to get to masters all day and consistently getting too much or too little power with every deck I tried, also I had these weird legendaries that I've crafted for storm or tokens. THESE WEIRD LEGENDARIES ARE IMPORTANT!!!!!! I would run 4 kennel master (and will) if I had a fourth, but I just crafted them for profane tokens. As the name impies, Ramba and kennelmaster are the all-stars of the deck, with Ghar to stop stupid griffon from countering all of my buff spells and Glimpse as effectively a 2 power draw 2 (I've only had one game where I "drew" only 1 card which is balanced out by multiple times where I've played three of off it. Harmony of flame is a weird card, and is basically in the market because I only ever need Rally (Though I had 1 game where I pulled the edict) it will probably get replaced with some 1-power card eventually. Enjoy!!!!
Masters for it.