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Event November 2019

Event Deck By

1 Card icon for Blood Beetle Blood Beetle x1 1 Card icon for Borderlands Lookout Borderlands Lookout x1 1 Card icon for Brash Shorthorn Brash Shorthorn x1 1 Card icon for Detain Detain x1 1 Card icon for Drifter Drifter x1 1 Card icon for Firemane Cub Firemane Cub x1 1 Card icon for Forge Wolf Forge Wolf x1 1 Card icon for Lock Horns Lock Horns x1 1 Card icon for Minotaur Oathkeeper Minotaur Oathkeeper x1 1 Card icon for Pilfer Pilfer x1 1 Card icon for Prancing Gryffyn Prancing Gryffyn x1 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Randori Randori x1 1 Card icon for Sharpened Reflex Sharpened Reflex x1 1 Card icon for Snowstorm Druid Snowstorm Druid x1 1 Card icon for Tinker Apprentice Tinker Apprentice x1 2 Card icon for Acclaimed Artisan Acclaimed Artisan x1 2 Card icon for Bold Adventurer Bold Adventurer x1 2 Card icon for Consuming Flames Consuming Flames x1 2 Card icon for Desperate Gambit Desperate Gambit x1 2 Card icon for Edict of Shavka Edict of Shavka x1 2 Card icon for Eloz's Elite Eloz's Elite x1 2 Card icon for Grodov Evangel Grodov Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Gruanform Gruanform x1 2 Card icon for Iceberg Hailshrieker Iceberg Hailshrieker x1 2 Card icon for Illumination Wisp Illumination Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Intrepid Longhorn Intrepid Longhorn x2 2 Card icon for Kairos' Choice Kairos' Choice x1 2 Card icon for Kodosh Evangel Kodosh Evangel x2 2 Card icon for Lethrai Ranger Lethrai Ranger x1 2 Card icon for Linrei Evangel Linrei Evangel x1 2 Card icon for Minotaur Grunt Minotaur Grunt x1 2 Card icon for Nahid's Choice Nahid's Choice x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Outlaw Rakano Outlaw x1 2 Card icon for Sand Viper Sand Viper x1 2 Card icon for Smokedancer Smokedancer x1 2 Card icon for Sol's Fury Sol's Fury x2 2 Card icon for Sparring Partner Sparring Partner x1 2 Card icon for Spiketail Qirin Spiketail Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Torrential Downpour Torrential Downpour x1 2 Card icon for Trick Shot Trick Shot x1 2 Card icon for Violent Gust Violent Gust x1 2 Card icon for Wanderlust Qirin Wanderlust Qirin x1 2 Card icon for Warbrush Oni Warbrush Oni x1 2 Card icon for Xultan Paladin Xultan Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Gryffyn Rider Yeti Gryffyn Rider x1 3 Card icon for Amber Acolyte Amber Acolyte x1 3 Card icon for Banished Umbren Banished Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Calamity Oracle Calamity Oracle x1 3 Card icon for Coronal Umbren Coronal Umbren x1 3 Card icon for Crafty Yeti Crafty Yeti x1 3 Card icon for Crowd Queller Crowd Queller x2 3 Card icon for Cruelty Cruelty x1 3 Card icon for Disciplined Amanera Disciplined Amanera x1 3 Card icon for Eager Offering Eager Offering x1 3 Card icon for Fevered Scout Fevered Scout x1 3 Card icon for Flash Freeze Flash Freeze x2 3 Card icon for Gaudy Showman Gaudy Showman x1 3 Card icon for Greed's Reward Greed's Reward x1 3 Card icon for Journeyman Armorer Journeyman Armorer x1 3 Card icon for Loyal Watchwing Loyal Watchwing x1 3 Card icon for Nivia's Inquisitor Nivia's Inquisitor x1 3 Card icon for Oni Stalwart Oni Stalwart x2 3 Card icon for Proselytize Proselytize x2 3 Card icon for Rally Rally x1 3 Card icon for Razorwire Totemite Razorwire Totemite x1 3 Card icon for Saddle Up Saddle Up x1 3 Card icon for Skeeter Skeeter x1 3 Card icon for Stoneshaker Stoneshaker x1 3 Card icon for Storm of Feathers Storm of Feathers x2 3 Card icon for Sunset Priest Sunset Priest x1 3 Card icon for Torture Torture x1 3 Card icon for Vile Collaborator Vile Collaborator x1 3 Card icon for Wilderness Refuge Wilderness Refuge x2 3 Card icon for Wretched Raven Wretched Raven x1 4 Card icon for Audacious Bandit Audacious Bandit x1 4 Card icon for Blood of Makkar Blood of Makkar x1 4 Card icon for Brilliant Discovery Brilliant Discovery x1 4 Card icon for Cindermaw Tota Cindermaw Tota x1 4 Card icon for Cleansing Rain Cleansing Rain x1 4 Card icon for Fell Ritual Fell Ritual x1 4 Card icon for Forbidden-Rider Outcast Forbidden-Rider Outcast x1 4 Card icon for Harmony of Flame Harmony of Flame x1 4 Card icon for Holdup Holdup x1 4 Card icon for Kindo Shadowstep Kindo Shadowstep x1 4 Card icon for Mistrust Mistrust x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Relentless Combatant Relentless Combatant x1 4 Card icon for Reverberating Strike Reverberating Strike x2 4 Card icon for Righteous Fury Righteous Fury x1 4 Card icon for Rotorcycle Rotorcycle x1 4 Card icon for Scavenging Spikeback Scavenging Spikeback x1 4 Card icon for Sky Crew Sky Crew x1 4 Card icon for Tidal Forces Tidal Forces x1 4 Card icon for Victor's Cry Victor's Cry x1 4 Card icon for Warhorn Warhorn x3 4 Card icon for Windshaper Windshaper x1 5 Card icon for Bloodthirsty Brawler Bloodthirsty Brawler x1 5 Card icon for Dramatic Exit Dramatic Exit x2 5 Card icon for Greenstretch Empath Greenstretch Empath x1 5 Card icon for Marsh Dragon Marsh Dragon x1 5 Card icon for Mistress of Light Mistress of Light x1 5 Card icon for Mithril Mace Mithril Mace x1 5 Card icon for Runic Revolver Runic Revolver x1 5 Card icon for Shen-Ra Speaks Shen-Ra Speaks x1 5 Card icon for Silverwing Commander Silverwing Commander x1 5 Card icon for Towering Terrazon Towering Terrazon x1 5 Card icon for Vinepetal Creeper Vinepetal Creeper x1 5 Card icon for Vital Arcana Vital Arcana x1 5 Card icon for Wildfire Censari Wildfire Censari x1 6 Card icon for Cinder Dragon Cinder Dragon x1 6 Card icon for Grodov's Favored Grodov's Favored x1 6 Card icon for Meditative Stranger Meditative Stranger x1 6 Card icon for Silverwing Purgeleader Silverwing Purgeleader x1 7 Card icon for Burning Glaive Burning Glaive x1 7 Card icon for Dormant Sentinel Dormant Sentinel x1 7 Card icon for Icequake Icequake x1 7 Card icon for Skyhorror Draconus Skyhorror Draconus x1 7 Card icon for Unraveler of Destinies Unraveler of Destinies x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 8 Card icon for Elias, the Broken Wing Elias, the Broken Wing x1 8 Card icon for Rosebloom Mandrake Rosebloom Mandrake x1 Card icon for Argenport Banner Argenport Banner x1 Card icon for Argenport Insignia Argenport Insignia x1 Card icon for Diplomatic Seal Diplomatic Seal x1 Card icon for Emblem of Grodov Emblem of Grodov x1 Card icon for Praxis Banner Praxis Banner x1 Card icon for Xenan Banner Xenan Banner x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 36: The Time of Ancestors
November 1-30, 2019
The next sealed league


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 4 2 2

Power Sources
1 3 2 3 4 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
95 35 10 2

Card Types
81 14 41 0 6


November 18, 2019

November 5, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) November 18, 2019
