The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Thanks, I was considering to play Elysian Jarrall on the upcoming TNE, but this seems actually more solid. Only I definitely want to play 4 Lord Steyer's Towers and 2/3 The Speaking Circles in this kind of deck for extra bling. :) Torgov, Icecap Trader will have to go and some of the Fluctuate Reality as well. It is not a card I ever want to draw two of, although I get that it makes Dovid more consistent. Shame there is no space left for Smite/Vanquish. Will do some testing until then and see.
Also, what do you pull Roshi the Entrancer against? I find it rather hard to imagine a situation where he would really shine, so I am going with Rain of Frogs for now.
So I just did 3:0 in Masters with it, even after mulliganing to 6 in two of those games. Lord Steyer's Tower was indeed the MVP, I think I made a good call on that one. Enough testing for today. :)
Roshi is a removal spell in the market that also dominates the game, especially against decks with fire removal and not kill spells for large multifaction units.
Tower without valk warp is mediocre and super overrated. Circle , while good, costs a lot in a deck that already has lots of expensive cards in Builder's Decree and market Helio means you won't run out of gas for a while, but 2 over the Olzials definitely makes sense.
Also, what do you pull Roshi the Entrancer against? I find it rather hard to imagine a situation where he would really shine, so I am going with Rain of Frogs for now.
Tower without valk warp is mediocre and super overrated. Circle , while good, costs a lot in a deck that already has lots of expensive cards in Builder's Decree and market Helio means you won't run out of gas for a while, but 2 over the Olzials definitely makes sense.