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Hero of the People - Budget Combo

Throne Deck By
Eternal Titans


Cost Curve




This is a deck that I made for a Peasant tournament (no rares or campaign cards allowed). I think it's a fun deck to play and it has performed well for me on the Throne ladder despite the low crafting cost.

The game-plan is to play Hero of the People, play other units to give it a bunch of battle skills, and then win with an 8/8 Flying Aegis Lifesteal Revenge Exalted Berserk Double Damage unit.

- Redraw any hand that doesn't have Hero of the People or a way to find the Hero
- Use Reweave or Rujin's Choice to find the hero if needed
- Play the Hero when you have enough power to protect it by also playing Ghostblade Outcast, Warrenborn Mistral, Zido, Cabal Housecat, or Bubble Shield.
- Play additional units with battle skills. Lifesteal and Aegis are generally good.

One possible combo is that if you give Hero of the People both Double Damage and Berserk, you can often one-shot the opponent.

If you are not limited by budget:
- Olyn of Urmstead is another way to find Hero of the People that I would play instead of Mithril Guardian and 1-2 copies of something else.
- If you play Olyn, Xultan Conclave is more reliable for getting FFJJ influence than Diplomatic Seal
- Exploit is an upgrade to Sabotage
- Krull, Xumuc Occultist and Last Chance are slightly better than Through The Unknown and Smuggler's Stash


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 1

Power Sources
12 11 11 13 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
24 56

Card Types
29 0 26 0 25


October 4, 2023

September 26, 2023


Eternal Version
The Devouring

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) September 27, 2023



opaopa13 Edited Eternal Version: 23.08.17
I've tried this deck a bit on ladder, and it's been surprisingly effective while also leading to hilarious, come-from-behind wins.

I just played a game where I was struggling at 3 power. I had two Heroes in hand, so I played a naked one just to force my opponent to use removal. They silenced it, and also played a Tocas which prevented me from Reweaving it. But then they buffed their Tocas to 5/5, allowing me to kill it with Display of Ambition. I then used Reweave on my silenced Hero to replace it with another Hero. Exile on the next turn to protect it from board clears, Alchemist on the turn after to give it Revenge (and keep me alive/remove their The Last Word). The turn after, I played both Stonehammer and Rujin's Choice to give it flying, berserk and double damage to swing for 40 damage to face. The best part is knowing that if I hadn't drawn into a 4th power on the final turn, Stonehammer's plunder would've made it work anyway.

And then there was the game where I never drew a Hero, but was able to use Defile and then Through the Unknown to play my opponent's copy of Hero and win with it. What a fun and funny deck. Thanks for posting it!