Another deck I'm puttin out there for those of you like me that are fine with not winning all the time but aren't with not having fun every game! (And don't get me wrong, this deck can win.)
There is no hard removal in the deck per se, but that is not what we are doing anyway. We are drawing cards, making use of pioneer's power batteries when we can, punching opponents face and yelling BOOTLICKER or PEW PEW at our screen.
Side notes about the choices you might wonder about:
- Crack market over smugglers for the token that you can sac to carver or to ensure your supplier draws you card with wide board presence. Let's you crack end of turn 2 into Thunder turn 3 if you're hurting for a play.
- Xo is obviously there for the troves and market fodder initially but do not think that the deck cannot cast it.
- Yarrr