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[Budget] Jekk's Bounty - Waking Nightmares

Campaign Deck By


Cost Curve




Hello again! So this fight can be a pain in the ass, but luckily the fight is very predictable. Your opponent's first summon is a Ticking Grenadin. Next will be a pair of 3/2 gunslingers that gives you a card draw when they entomb. After that is a Copperhall Bailiff. Then, its Deranged Dinomancer. Then Shadowlands Feaster. All he has other than these units are 1 or 2 damage spells, Devour, Dark Return type spells, and Mirror Image. Oh and I guess he has Dark Wisps. And Venomfang Dagger.. Anyways our goal in this fight is to trick the opponent into blocking and playing pump spells. Put Wanted Poster on enemy units you know are gonna get the d. Mantle of Justice + Silverwing Familiar will most likely be your closer here. Easy day.

My campaign decks are all designed to be cheap and easy for new players. Check them out!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

Power Sources

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Deck Rarities
29 29

Card Types
22 11 17 0 25


September 26, 2018


Eternal Version
Card and bug fixes, onboarding campaign changes

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Gwyneth Eternal Version: 1.46.9
I couldn't find my first comment to delete. I apologize for being so ignorant. That being said, I did not realize each pack you earn gifts you 100 stones! I need a few more to finish off this deck but I've used every other one of your decks and they work excellent!!! Thank you so much for posting these!!! They all work like a charm.
Pikerbocker Eternal Version: 1.46.9
Awesome! I’m happy to hear that they work well for others :) I haven’t updated any of my campaign decks for the most recent sets so I’m sure they can be improved on. Thanks for your comment!
fakfejs Eternal Version: 1.39
tx alot for this. I managed to beat Nighmares and Jekk with this. Pretty ez
Pikerbocker Eternal Version: 1.39
Glad it worked out well for you!