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The Award for Best Gauntlet Grinder goes to...the Gold Deck

Gauntlet Deck By


Cost Curve




I just got done spending the Eternal Celebration Week playing nearly every deck on this website to try and figure out what I wanted to craft to grind gold for drafts. When I say I tried every deck I mean literally every deck that has been released since Awakening, I farmed 70,000 gold in the process to give you an idea of how many games I played.

The thing I noticed the most is that your deck doesn't need to be extremely powerful or have some kind of crazy combo in it, in fact the more pieces that your deck needs to win, the less consistent it is. Acing Gauntlet is all about Consistency...putting down big threat after big threat game after game...while cards like Rolant are insanely powerful especially against the AI, you are going to lose games to the massive swarm of agro decks that the AI is going to put against you while you are trying to put together the influence that you need to play him. In fact, in my experience, the three best decks that I played were probably mono time, mono shadow, and mono justice. (Mono Shadow and Mono Time also can do some really interesting things with Evenhanded Golem.) This deck and the slight variations of it just continued to be the top performer for me though. Nearly everything else I played I would ace a run and then lose the next run in the middle.

Mono time ramps into big threats every turn that stonewall the AI and gives you time to dig into your market to get Gordov's Burden and Gnash (usually in that order unless you need to kill flyers) to start chain killing down their board. Sometimes you can just overrun them with beefy minions but the safe bet is usually to take advantage of the ability to exalt killer onto all your minions and grind them down, using the token that Gnash provides every turn. The other win condition is to just draw the extra cards (and put them into play) with Grodov's Burden's second ability until you get a 30/30 Alhed Ascending and then just swing for lethal.

This deck is not super fun to play or exciting, it is a rock, a big stable boring rock that will win you almost every gauntlet in seven wins. In fact almost every game I lost I can pinpoint a mistake that I made, including one game where my six month old daughter pushed the spacebar.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

Power Sources

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Deck Rarities
18 11 10 28

Card Types
49 1 5 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Promises by Firelight [Set1007]
Awakening [Set1095]


November 1, 2020


Eternal Version

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Stevesmw82 Edited Eternal Version: 22.03.02
um, Hell Yeah! I was hesitant to drop so much stone on a gauntlet deck but I just aced at least eight gauntlets with this deck before I lost a game. Playing F2P I've struggled with finding a good grinder that the AI doesn't catch onto and shut down after the first run. This is the best results I've ever got. Thanks for sharing!
VoidKing Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Yep, you're onto something here. Well refined vs. Gauntlet. I'm humbled that I get to reap the fruits of your hard labors, lol. All that's left now is that they nerf most of these good single player cards for the 50th time. We all know the way this cycle works, sad to say. Guess I should just enjoy it for the couple of weeks I got left.

Seriously, though, great deck, man. Kudos to you!
Propheat Eternal Version: 20.10.06
I play an evenhanded mono gold deck, super strong in Gauntlet but also Throne.

4 Alhed Ascending (Set1095 #4)
4 Bazaar Trickster (Set5 #43)
4 Desert Alchemist (Set9 #46)
4 Evenhanded Golem (Set6 #237)
4 Talir's Favored (Set0 #11)
4 Temple Scribe (Set1 #502)
2 Voice of the Speaker (Set1 #78)
4 Saber-Tooth Prideleader (Set1006 #7)
4 Sandstorm Titan (Set1 #99)
4 Wasteland Broker (Set9 #214)
4 Waystone Fragment (Set7 #52)
4 Xenan Obelisk (Set1 #103)
4 Gnash, Desert Prince (Set1006 #8)
5 Time Sigil (Set1 #63)
4 Amber Coin (Set6 #46)
4 Amber Waystone (Set3 #51)
4 Emblem of Grodov (Set7 #31)
4 Broken Contract (Set1095 #21)
4 Seal of Devotion (Set6 #236)
1 Vault of the Praxis (Set1 #480)
1 Grodov's Stranger (Set8 #54)
1 Passage of Eons (Set1001 #3)
1 Temple Captain (Set5 #71)
1 Thundering Kerasaur (Set4 #93)
Tehl Eternal Version: 20.11.04
I tried something similar to this and loved the four of Sand Warrior on the list I tried. At least worth a try if you haven't
Tehl Eternal Version: 20.11.04
Ubsat is also really good, if you wanted to test another card, the 5T can be clunky though ;-)
Propheat Eternal Version: 20.11.04
Thank Tehl,
Sand Warrior I tried and used before, I think it is mainly useful against aggro and this deck has no problems because of the multitude of small blocks and quick ramp you can throw up.
Ubsat is indeed strong but more like a personal preference from me not to use it. For it to shine you need 5T at turn 4/5/6 I think, and it always felt I had to give up too much for it.
Noeat Eternal Version: 20.10.06
isnt this deck just AI Gauntlet M deck (with added Kerasaur and Alhed)? not bad idea..
detrickster Edited Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Thank you for the idea! I didn't have some of the cards and not enough shiftstone to make them, so I made a few adjustments that seem to have sped up the deck without sacrificing win rate. I happened to have 3 Gnash, and I have to say they work really well in the deck (multiples even). That way I really have only need Grodov's Burden from the market with my first of 8 chances and it's a win. I added 1 Bhodi & Rex, 1 Talir, Timeless (makes Gnash's killers 2/2 and free card draw when the exalted killer is added to him), and 2 Touvon for the fun of ambushing an attacker and extra card draw. I also added 4 Venom Riders which is a nice "fake Gnash" for early in the game. The last 3 I added was Braun, Regal Courier, cause who doesn't like a 6/7 and an 8/8 for 1 card slot? :) So far I am 3 for 3 on gauntlet runs and they have not been "slow" like you suggested in your post above. :)

Edit: Oh yes, and Seal of Devotion x4; skip over 2 or 3 power cards later on in the game (by playing them with warp from the top of the deck) beats not gaining influence once or twice in the beginning. I also took Ubsat out of the market (cause I had 3) and I don't regret that every time I see a single-faction legendary played silenced by the NPC.
metaBrook Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Wow. Great work. I've suspected that mono time ramp might be the best deck to play for a while now, but I hate it. so. never going to play it. I've got a xenan killers ramp list with ixtol that I run instead. probably not as good, but much more enjoyable.
Watermelon Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Holy shit that's impressive. Thanks for sharing your results.
birdy512 Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Not bad, but from someone who actually had all the cards before Celebration. My advice is that your deck still suffers from inconstinency. You have too many ramp power cards.
You have 21 cards purely that are good for maximum power. That is not good when you can end up drawing 5 cards in a row that do nothing but give you max power from turn 6.

Moonestone is decent, but I still think Alhed(6/6) is better. Not sure about Touven/Kerosaur either. Touven extra ability is useless considering any extra power you have will be given to Grodov's once it comes out.

Think time deck is pretty easy to make, most are similiar, just yours needs more optimisation (esp max power)
detrickster Edited Eternal Version: 20.10.06
I have to disagree about the "too many ramp power cards." If you have max power from turn 6 and all you have are 0 and 1 power creatures, you are at least still alive because they are (or can become) blockers. Meanwhile, RNGesus will make sure you don't die. Actually try the ramp portion of this deck with your own fun cards (as I stated in another comment, I took Gnash and Ubset out of the market for more effectiveness and added 4 Venom Riders as a middle stop-gap to delay the opponent). The tons of ramp is what makes this idea so effective, as the guantlet decks typically don't overwhelm you on turn 20, when you are dying for a useful card and you draw ramp instead. I agree with the rest of your analysis, but I think 21 ramp cards is the perfect amount to ensure you don't get overwhelmed by the gauntlet's aggro decks.
psly4mne Eternal Version: 20.10.06
I can vouch for Moonstone and Touvon being worth it in gauntlet (Kerasaur not so much). Moonstone is a great blocker and the pledge is huge for early consistency. The card draw is nice for grinding out games with 2-for-1s, but it's mostly about a good blocker with pledge.

Touvon is again about being a good blocker. The card draw is gravy when you stall out and don't have Burden out. If you have Burden out and you're sinking power into it, you're probably already winning anyway. I'm really not a fan of 6/6 Alhed. It's a fun card, but the abilities are rarely actually good in a midrange build.

The right number of mana dorks is a tough call. This build might go a bit too far, but you want a lot. You really want to play a 5 drop on turn 4 in mono time.
Tehl Eternal Version: 20.11.04
I stand by the ramp. With 8 cards to dig into the sideboard not only do you get to your five and six drops faster, but the faster you ramp, the faster you get to Gordov's and start steamrolling the game. There are probably several six drops that can fit the terasaur/touvon slot. Mystic Ascendant and Gnash are definitely fine/maybe better in some games. I really like the way touvon works as pseudo spot removal 2 for 1 and also occasionally to break a stall in the rare games where you don't get into your market. I really like Terasaur because the body is huge and it has overwhelm which is relevant for closing games sometimes, plus the AI plays around it really badly, they will never hold back a torch or seek power, they'll always let you draw a card. That being said I've been in situations where I've wanted to bounce dudes and didn't want the AI to get to draw two, but usually at that point in the game you're in steamroll mode.

TLDR I stand by the ramp, I personally like these six drops, but they might not even be the best ones, the number of games you'd have to play determine optimization is a ton.

Also note, I personally like gnash in the market vs as a 3 of simply because in 90% of games you want exactly one. With eight market cards you're more likely to get your second market before you get your first gnash as a 3 of. Also, there's times where you don't have a sandstorm where you want to grab him before Gordovs if you're getting overrun.
psly4mne Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.04
I completely agree on market Gnash. You just want to maximize access to flying hate, and 8 chances to find him is better than 4. If there were only 4 usable market access cards, I would argue for Gnash maindeck.

I'm not a fan of Kerasaur because it's just a stat pile that blocks one unit. The draw ability is a hindrance about as often as it helps. You want 4 Touvon first for sure. If you want a big statpile on top of that, Xumucan is probably better. Personally, I'm running maindeck Twilight Hunt instead because I love my Worldbearer attacks (and Alhed is a Dino too).
Tehl Eternal Version: 20.11.04
Its at least worth noting that the statpile is really good against the AI, the Kerasaur does come down and deadlock the board for you to go off 90+% of the time, and in some of the harder boss fights like decay, he really shines. Also, tbh, I am learning Xumucan is a card right now (I just had to Google it lol) and its definitely worth testing and would probably fill that role better, that's a good call
Tehl Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.04
I also tried main deck twilight hunt and found it to be a little clunky at times, it felt like the go-to thing that I pitched to go to the market, but I may have been playing sub-optimally. Also, worth nothing, with the plunders and the market grabs, I saw someone using twinbrood serapod

Also, you probably know this already, but I just noticed, your deck was obviously the jumping off point/shell for mine, all credit to you, this deck is definitely the best grinder out there, we're just discussing small variations of perfection.
psly4mne Eternal Version: 20.11.04
Oh, sweet! I actually thought we converged on almost the same list independently.

I'm not saying Twilight Hunt is better, I just like Worldbearer attacks a lot. I'm trying out 3 Xumucan 4 Touvon as well, and liking it so far. I haven't had it come up yet, but the tokens probably help a lot on the decay boss which is a challenge for this deck.

That said, I think time-based Xenan might be a better grinder. With the quality of fixing 2-faction decks have, your power is just as good, sometimes better because Cylix. Curtain Call is an amazing card, Send an Agent is the new hotness, and Twinned Spiteling is a better statpile.