This is a fun day one brew. Sashenka is a house against other midrange decks because all your other units basically get +2/+2 for unit combat and she makes all your damage based removal way more effective (because she deals 2 additional damage).
The rest of the units are just solid midrange units. Empath blocks pretty well against aggro (especally Karrina) and grants you strong recruit targets for Sampa. Anura works well with Sashenka, but also takes out a lot of units on herself and aegis can help against hunt and devour. Torgov is just a big boy and Sampa grants you a bunch of value, especially with Mirror Image.
The removal suite beats aggro and in combination with Sashenka also midrange (and Honey can take down bigger midrange units like Wasp on its own). Howlign Peak at the top end helps you to grind out games.
Edit: I corrected the part about Sashenka's effect. Her dealing 2 damage twice every time was confirmed a bug and should be fixed soon.
This messes up with my brain so bad. I cannot comprehend how it is meant to work that way with her wording. Seems like a glitch to me.