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Made it to masters with this deck, entered at rank 38. Climb was pretty easy.

I'm not running Svetya because she doesn't have flying, although she might be worth including in the market. I'm not running Pacifier because weapons let me close out the game faster. Having ~30 flying units means Eager Owlet and Cloudsnake Saddle are really strong. Plays pretty similar to a Rakano Plate deck but with more evasion and less brute force.

The card choices should be pretty self-explanatory but I'll go some important ones:

Linebreaker's Shield: This card is basically tempo incarnate. It's really good. It (finally!) makes it possible to run a low to the ground (ha!) weapons based Hooru deck that's actually good. I've been trying to make a deck with Cloudsnake Saddle and Eager Owlet work since I started playing and the main problem was always that the only Saddle redundancy was Crownwatch Longsword. Shield is a playable version of Longsword. It gives you an answer to Permafrost (which is huge), and the Spellcraft version allows you to pull ahead on a wide variety of boards. I'd say this card is the MVP of the deck.

Acquisitive Crow: This card gives us access to an Berserk, which is pretty huge with all the buffs in the deck. It also gives us access to a way to get value from just attacking (similar to Warcry), which is important against decks that try to race or otherwise ignore us. Finally it's a way to gain card advantage (especially when paired with removal) and card quality when paired with Honored Skyguard and the Merchant. Because of all this it'll usually eat removal, so I only run 3. When it survives generally you should berserk it right away unless you know they won't be able to remove it and you have a way to buff it.

Eager Owlet and Cloudsnake Saddle: These are why every unit in the deck has flying. Owlet will usually be a 3/3, but if it's not we still have plenty of weapons to buff it (same with Shelterwing Rider). Cloudsnake Saddle is a permanent Finest Hour for 2, which is actually pretty nuts in an aggressive deck like this. Especially since we have Aegis and Berserk to get more value out of it. Generally you want to play Owlet ASAP to get as much damage in as possible. Saddle is generally used to push extra damage - if there's an opportunity to put it on a Crow and get a berserk attack in then take it, even if you think the Crow will die right afterwards.

Honored Skyguard: Another way to swing with a 3/3 flier on turn 3. The ultimate gives us another way to take advantage of the random cards from Acquisitive Crow and deal with flood/screw. It's more there to smooth things out than win games, but it's definitely a key roleplayer.

Silverwing Familiar: I went back and forth on this card but I eventually found I had a higher winrate with it than without. It's got a terrible body but it turns out having another lifegain card is important to race aggro, and having another Aegis card is important to withstand control. Another key roleplayer that smooths things out.

Winchest Merchant: Good think one of the Merchants has flying or I'd have a hard choice to make for this deck. The market basically consists of a way to curve out and a bunch of silver bullet type cards. Bring Down has been really nice to clear flying blocker that I can't get with Vanquish, or as an extra way to deal with Sandstorm Titan after I already used the Vanquish. I could see running Vanquisher's Blade instead but Shield just does so much work for the deck that I'd be really reluctant to replace it. Protect and Vanquish round out the answer package and should be pretty self-explanatory.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

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Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
16 16 10 4

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Deck Rarities
11 25 37

Card Types
30 14 10 0 26


July 9, 2018

July 2, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

BBCode For Comments

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Revisions (Since last major patch) July 5, 2018



Ravager Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
I'm loving this deck, went 9-4 today getting my dailies.

Acquisitive Crow is getting pinged left and right by the time I play it. It's usually game-winning when it survives, but that's extremely rare.
goldstarbrother Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Glad to hear it!

Acquisitive Crow getting pinged is pretty much par for the course, it's mostly there to eat removal instead of your other threats. It's really good for that because like you said, it's gamewinning when it sticks, so they have to deal with it. It's generally best to avoid playing it onto an empty board if you can, but sometimes you can't avoid it.

Side note: Crow on 3 power into Unseen Commando on 4 is a nutty line of play, probably my favorite in the deck. Berserking the Crow gets two buffs and playing Commando with 4 power means you can hold up one of the spells from the Crow (or just use Finest Hour).
Ravager Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Good point, there have been a couple games where the enemy wastes all their cards on a buffed Crow/Shelterwing then immediately concedes.

I think I'll try saving Crow for T4 w/Finest Hour or T5 w a weapon instead of playing it T3 and dying to pings.
goldstarbrother Eternal Version: 1.36
Sometimes it's best to save Crow so you can use Protect/Finest Hour when they try to remove it, but sometimes it's best to keep up the pressure by playing it asap. It really depends on the matchup and your draw. But I'd be wary of playing a Crow + weapon on the same turn. It leaves you open to getting 2-for-1'd without getting value out of either card, and that's a really big blow for a deck like this.