It's the deck that i used on my push from diamond 1 to masters , entering at rank 11 with a nifty 5-1 record (only loss was to talir carver which.... is pretty impossible to control against) .
It's not a final iteration of the deck , im currently debating on cutting static bolts for sears to make the aggro matchup better at the cost of being worse at racing.
Also the market is pretty non-optimized i feel like , the ice bolt used to be an e-favor before. you can tweak some numbers around , but i do reccomend keeping exatcly one backlash and one channel , because they are usually bellow-average-to-bad but in some matchups they are a godsend to be able to find with garden
one thing is for sure : you do bully keelo and aggro decks pretty hard with your infinite removal (not even three golems and two big varas have a sliver of chance against a prod sorcery that picks out two double damage hailstorms)
Update : cut Xo (not really in need of the extra draw) for 2 hurlers (good against corrupted decks, helps a ton on bridging the gap of killing stuff with burn) and an extra prod sorcery , so you can use re-read for other things more agressively , as well as have more must-negate cards (also be a bit better at killing faster) . Cut ice bolt from the market but can totally see it coming back if charge-heavy aggro becomes reasonably strong in a sea of even decks. added lightning storm to combat said even decks .