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Stupid Sexy Burn Spells

Throne Deck By
The Queensguard


Cost Curve




It's the deck that i used on my push from diamond 1 to masters , entering at rank 11 with a nifty 5-1 record (only loss was to talir carver which.... is pretty impossible to control against) .
It's not a final iteration of the deck , im currently debating on cutting static bolts for sears to make the aggro matchup better at the cost of being worse at racing.
Also the market is pretty non-optimized i feel like , the ice bolt used to be an e-favor before. you can tweak some numbers around , but i do reccomend keeping exatcly one backlash and one channel , because they are usually bellow-average-to-bad but in some matchups they are a godsend to be able to find with garden
one thing is for sure : you do bully keelo and aggro decks pretty hard with your infinite removal (not even three golems and two big varas have a sliver of chance against a prod sorcery that picks out two double damage hailstorms)

Update : cut Xo (not really in need of the extra draw) for 2 hurlers (good against corrupted decks, helps a ton on bridging the gap of killing stuff with burn) and an extra prod sorcery , so you can use re-read for other things more agressively , as well as have more must-negate cards (also be a bit better at killing faster) . Cut ice bolt from the market but can totally see it coming back if charge-heavy aggro becomes reasonably strong in a sea of even decks. added lightning storm to combat said even decks .


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4

Power Sources
17 18 10

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
26 25 18 4

Card Types
4 0 47 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]

Control Combo

April 13, 2020

April 6, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) April 13, 2020



goaychanhong Edited Eternal Version: 1.51.3
I like static Bolt here! I think I still like static bolt over the static bolt-less version because it gives me the edge in the spellcrag mirror, the one not playing it need longer to kill the enemy, makes them slower in the mirror, also the one not playing bolt usually can't kill garden. Just a personal preference, I would max jotun before considering any copy of Xo because I think it is better with salvo (snowball + salvo = 3 damage, and 3 damage kills way more things in this game).
betamonkey Eternal Version: 1.51.4
Very cool deck, thanks for posting!
LuciaDysis Eternal Version: 1.51.3
the cut id make for static bolt is sear which also hits sites , but i do agree that statics are better in the mirror for speed purposes. ive felt like the extra card draw from xo ends up being more useful than snowballs more often than not , but that's more of a meta thing for sure (the 3 damage break point is indeed why id like to change statics into sears)
javier Eternal Version: 1.51.3
Deck for noobs
SithLordOfSnark Eternal Version: 1.51.4
Are you seriously going to say that on every deck on this site?
javier Eternal Version: 1.51.4
Only spell decks.
LtLeon Eternal Version: 1.51.3
Great deck, the number of times that harsh rule got negated into surrender is hilarious.