Not an easy deck to play, but the flexibility glasshopper gives lets you get around a lot of the pitfalls of evenhand golem off-turns. Very effective beatdown deck with the ridiculous amount of card advantage and recursion it generates, with dropping 4+ 0 cost Cykalis or Dread as a finisher.
Reweave + Loyalist is the key combo in the deck, letting you play 2 glasshoppers and draw 2 pledged units (that go down in cost by 2). You can also use the reweave to play Golems or an Andrik.
Be careful of evenhanded golem and glasshoppers, 1 glasshopper in play turns off evenhanded, but you can either play your evenhandeds first or make sure you have 2 out through reweave, dread, etc. Glasshopper can give you a turn 3 play, but usually evenhanded golem is the better play on 2 if you have both.
Andrik is a double-edged sword with all of the decks card draw, but the +4/+2 on empower can help close out games, or delay things like Hooru Control enough to close them out. Andrik is usually not the ideal pledge, but if necessary dropping multiple of him and empowering can actually be pretty effective.
If you have 2+ glasshoppers in play, you can use Loyalist + rapid shot or reweave to play an unshifted cykalis pre-attack.
Get 4 glasshoppers out and play all of your 4 cost pledge units for 0.