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With the release of "The Tale of Horus Traver" I was really excited about the new Triumphant Stranger and I had to try and build a deck around that card.
First; I found an old Nictotraxian list, added the Stranger and changed it a little bid due to personal preferences.
After playing around with that list I found a bunch of issues which I tried to correct and I ended up with this list.
Keep in mind that this list is not competitive at all! Its very fun and can win games against any deck, but due to inconsistency and a bad match up against aggro decks it will probably not carry anybody into Masters.

As you will see, Triumphant Stranger is the only Stranger in this list. All this deck is trying to do is to stay alive, play Triumphant Stranger (or sometimes Nictotraxian) and let the Stranger gather an army that can win the game for us.

A thing or two to keep in mind: Obviously this list plays all 5 colors (Hence WUBRG). To gather all these colors this list includes the deck runs 4x Diplomatic Seal, 3x Seek Power, 4x Amber Acolyte and 2x Find the Way. I haven't spend much time crunching the numbers for this distribution of fixing spells. The main argument is that Find the Way is probably best due to its Echo keyword, making it possible to fix 2 color with "one card". Yet it is very slow, so to be better at dealing with the aggro match ups, I ended up only running 2 copies.

Because gathering all five colors is a challenge on its own, the list only runs cards which requires a maximum of one of each influence besides from green. Harsh Rule is simple to strong leave out so keep in mind, while fetching colors, green is the color to pick once you achieved one of each influence. With the inclusion of Harsh Rule I also chose to add another "double green" card, Auric Runehammer. I really like this card for control purposes.

One last comment: This list will in fact gain experience for every color in the your "Faction Progress".

I may keep changing the list as I play it some more and will try to keep the list here updated

Hope you will have fun with the list, an feel free to give comments and ask questions!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 1 2 1 1

Power Sources
4 11 8 7 4 13 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
10 38 8 11

Card Types
24 4 22 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


October 5, 2017


Eternal Version
The Tale of Horus Traver

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Nomad Edited Eternal Version: 1.25.1
A couple of things I'd recommend, as far as power fixing from a player that has loved Nictotraxian since her release. With the existence of THT cards, it's actually easier than ever to put together a 5F deck. A couple of things I would recommend is 4 Seek, 4 Amber, 4 Horus Traver, no seals and no Find the Way. This means you never drop dead power and always gain influence when you play power, since you're not running seals. It also lets you run double-ups of more factions than just green, including blue for Wisdom of the Elders. Horus also gives you a 1/1 blocker for those annoying Oni Ronins.
WinterWolf1297 Eternal Version: 1.27
Interesting thoughts on the mana/power. In my version I went with crests, no diplomatic seals, and only combrei seats. Didn't try Taver in this version because I was less than impressed with my last version with him in it. I also ran +3 torches to make sure to get all 5 factions for xp (though that was more of an after thought.) I like Wisdom but decided that I'd rather go with the tried and true second sight because Nicto loves being put back on top.
Nomad Edited Eternal Version: 1.25.1
In fact, if I had the card, I'd run a Heart of the Vault Nictotraxian deck, now.