First of all Shoutout to AhornDelfin for making this deck. This is just my own twist to the deck. The only things different are that I have replaced Initiate of Sands with Journey Guide. Replaced the Ixtun Merchants for Stoneshaker. The reason being for taking out that merchant is the only card in the market using Fire is Diogo and well any other merchant can grab him. I have removed Swift Refusal from the market and replaced it with the Messenger Hawk. My reason for taking out swift refusal is I’d rather have the hawk copy Lethrai Soothsayer and making more Premonition Bolts. Plus if the other player somehow makes you discard the Celestial Omen in hand or negates it, you have your handy Excavate in market to grab the omen back with. Or you can Excavate back the messenger hawk and re-copy Lethrai Soothsayer. I would hope you wouldn’t have to do that and be able to finish the opponent sooner BUT the rare case the opponent has excessive life, it helps to have more Premonition bolts. Enough rambling, thanks again AhornDelfin for the inspiration and from the words of Diogo himself.......”Listen to this!”