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Rank 1 Icaria Blue

Throne Deck By


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Icaria Blue is the first deck I built and made top 10 with as a f2p player at the start of set 3. Original deck: Icaria Blue (Top 10 in Ranked)
After the release of Dead Reckoning, Icaria Blue took a dive in power level as a result of In Cold Blood being printed and grindy time midrange (with Dawnwalker, Predatory Carnosaur) dominating the ladder.
Due to the recent nerf to teacher and Alessi decks, the meta starts to slow down, also there are aggro/burn decks built to beat control. The time for Icaria Blue has come once again. Iblue is busted in an aggro-control meta. It can easily crush any control opponents with Icaria, the Liberator and relic weapons that can’t be easily answered, backed up by Eilyn's Choice. It’s also pretty good against aggro thanks to Hailstorm, Harsh Rule, and Rizahn, Greatbow Master.

Decisions in building this deck:

1. Rizahn, Greatbow Master: comes down, kills the unit opponent just played, gain 3 health, and leave a 5/4 flying lifesteal body. It’s just back-breaking for aggro/burn decks and tokens, and this deck is probably the best deck in terms of activating his lifesteal ability, currently running 4, but there could be a split between him and Jotun Feast-Caller if the meta goes further towards control.

2. Only 1 copy of Rise to the Challenge, as we have put in more threats, we don’t need to skip a turn to tutor for them. Might play 2 in a slower meta.

3. Eilyn's Choice: a great removal/counterspell as I mentioned in my previous decks, can’t play Hooru control without 3 copies of it. I would cut the 1 End of the Story for the 4th copy if there are more control decks around.

4. Unstable Form:
Pops 2 aegises, provides 2 cards for Strategize and merchants, deals with turn 2 Teacher of Humility and Dawnwalker. Thanks Second Blue for trying out the sweet 2-of inclusion.

5.Not running Unseal and Kaleb's Choice currently, do remember to bring them in if the meta gets slower.

6. Playing blue merchant because:
It has a much better body (especially for Icaria to buff).
Blue market provides much more utility cards, I would rather draw into my threats and pull out matchup-specific cards from the market instead of “wasting” 2 precious market slots for Icaria and Rizahn.

7. Market options:
Vision of Austerity: one of the best relic removals, need 1 in the market to counter Flamestoker and Azindel's Gift in the opponent’s market.
Hailstorm: Virtually playing 6 copies of it, keeps aggro decks in check
Eilyn's Choice: a well-rounded card, almost never dead, not much explanation needed.
Rain of Frogs: Great against control, and having virtually 4 guarantees you drawing it early in matchups where it’s good. Hold it till turn 6 against Icaria Black to crush their hope.
Channel the Tempest: A great finisher to run in the market as we now have more dual-lands to support it.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts, if you want to know more about this deck, check out the previous version for a detailed analysis, and finally I hope you enjoy this deck.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 4

Power Sources
16 16 14 19

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 19 30 11

Card Types
12 5 36 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Control Midrange

September 5, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Silvernight Eternal Version: 1.37.4
I like this deck. Not a bad job.