Trying to mess around with FPS Control. I feel like kalebs choice is in a good spot and having access to maiden and torch are other good reasons to add the Fire splash. Only thing is... it has the same problem regular feln has... it just doesnt do...anything. Feln is in a weird spot and just feels lack luster overall. Trying out Molt & Nakova over cards like Daraka and Channel mainly due to face aegis and Daraka being hit by annihilate. M & N has aegis and is a big flyer.
I just wish feln or this deck just did more. The games always feel like you are on your heels and if you ever miss it you just lose. Im looking forward to trying to figure this type of deck out as this is possibly my fav faction combination but i feel like its missing a card or two.
Deck overall is performing on avg about the same as my feln testing just above 50% win rate.