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Ixtun Pledge

Throne Deck By
The Misplay


Cost Curve




My take on a more aggressive FJP Pledge-matters Korovyat Palace deck.

After getting to Masters with Hooru Pledge (like many people this month, post-Homecoming) my earliest ever, converted it to Ixtun leading up to the ECQ (my first Eternal tournament!). Went 14-14 in that event, then a few days later I played it again in the 16-player Tuesday Night Eternal (got 4th! Ixtun Pledge).

The deck can definitely be improved, the only testing it got before the ECQ was a couple days of Ranked grinding. It may just be strictly worse than the more streamlined Hooru builds, or more top-heavy Ixtun midrange.

Some notes on specific cards:

* Svetya's Bravery
This card has been in the deck since my initial Hooru build. Bear Guard Bayonet (and sometimes Copperhall Bracers, if it gets a hit in) giving an undepleted power means that Svetya's Bravery can be left up to negate removal. This is at its best when the opponent doesn't expect it - Bravery doesn't seem to be played very often. If it gains in popularity, or in a deck-published tournament, its surprise value definitely diminishes.
Bravery can also trigger Renown on Hojan or Aniya if needed, and its response window pause can sometimes let you bluff a Torch.

* Inquisitor's Blade
This was a late switch from Deepforged Plate in the market. While Plate can sometimes get free wins, in other situations Blade's Flying has been just as powerful (getting past a Vara, for example). Blade is also easier on the influence requirements (sometimes Plate is stuck waiting on that second F), and it let me shave a couple Cargo for more action cards.

* End of the Story
This would probably be better as a Harsh Rule. The theory was, vs other Palace decks with giant Aegis units, a suicide attack into a site may not appear too suspicious, which would trigger EotS's Tribute. In practice, I don't think that situation has come up even once so far.

* Merchants
The upgrade to Red Canyon Smuggler over Winchest or Jennev Merchant was a big reason for adding Fire (along with access to Vargo), but it definitely results in seeing Palace a whole lot less when they're all in the main.

* Eilyn's Choice
While I was grinding the Hooru build, I was seeing a lot of Maul & Reanimator, and a well-timed marketed Rejection was great there. While not quite as backbreaking, Choice fills that role and can be grabbed by Red Canyon Smuggler.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 2 2

Power Sources
8 15 12 14 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
11 21 30 11

Card Types
26 11 14 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]

Aggro Midrange

April 17, 2019


Eternal Version

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