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Praxis Mid - 31 Power + Sky Terror [Masters]

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




My current ranked favorite - my own take on Praxis Midrange that's been serving me well in Masters. So far it's been very consistent.

The idea is to have bigger units than your opponent and to use inspire to get charge and overwhelm to prevent board stalls. And to always be on top of your power, which the inclusion of 4 standards, 3 monuments, and 24 other power does quite nicely. Both the time monument and the fire standard have been great, though I favor Shogu Standard.

The best two market draws so far have been Flamestoker in control decks (very prevalent now) and, surprisingly, Sky Terror, who is break at breaking board stalls, especially when it gets charge from Magus of Celerity.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
23 21 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
9 25 15 18

Card Types
37 1 10 0 32

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


August 13, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Trumble Eternal Version: 1.37
Liking this deck design as much as your Kyrex deck. Good cards here to grant charge to. Will give this one a go as well.
Crylorenzo Eternal Version: 1.37
Thanks! By now I've messed around some with Zubari in the deck too, swapping out a couple frontier bards and serasaurs which were underperforming (though still fun with them).
flippyflop Edited Eternal Version: 1.37
sweet list, how do you feel about Zuberi, Outlands Warlord?
Crylorenzo Eternal Version: 1.37.4
Hey flippyflop, I meant to tell you after our game "Thanks for recommending Zuberi" but you unfriended me beforehand. Sorry if I gave off the wrong impression or something, I had just wanted to say thank you. I've enjoyed looking at your decks and receiving your comments here on EW.
flippyflop Edited Eternal Version: 1.37.4
oh hey, sorry about that. i was getting a lot of toxicity while climbing so i just assumed the worst. glad to see it's working out for you, i liked your usage of Longbarrel in tandem with Alhed, Mount Breaker/Zuberi, Outlands Warlord/Teacher of Humility, i don't think i've seen anyone try that yet.

also, i spent the like entire last month making brews with the Sky Terror market tech from this list.

keep up the great work dude ;w;b
(feel free to add me in game again, flippyflop+9606)
Crylorenzo Eternal Version: 1.37.4
No problem - I can also be worried about that at times too. And awesome to hear that Sky Terror is getting some use - I love that card.
Crylorenzo Eternal Version: 1.37
If I had any of him, I would try him out, probably in place of the Serasaurs. The 4 slot is pretty full and those are the weakest. I would then probably want another unit in the market as that is the most reliable way to get the inspire. A very fun looking card that would be great paired with Magus of Celerity. Thanks for the comment!