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Throne Deck By

1 Card icon for Blood Beetle Blood Beetle x1 1 Card icon for Boot Knife Boot Knife x1 1 Card icon for Direfang Spider Direfang Spider x1 1 Card icon for District Infantry District Infantry x1 1 Card icon for Fend Off Fend Off x1 1 Card icon for Finest Hour Finest Hour x1 1 Card icon for Flame Blast Flame Blast x1 1 Card icon for Flash Grenade Flash Grenade x1 1 Card icon for Forge Wolf Forge Wolf x2 1 Card icon for Ghostform Ghostform x1 1 Card icon for Grenadin Drone Grenadin Drone x2 1 Card icon for Heavy Axe Heavy Axe x1 1 Card icon for Initiate of the Sands Initiate of the Sands x1 1 Card icon for Jack's Knife Jack's Knife x1 1 Card icon for Jump Kick Jump Kick x1 1 Card icon for Levitate Levitate x1 1 Card icon for Meditation Meditation x1 1 Card icon for Muck Crawler Muck Crawler x1 1 Card icon for Phase Out Phase Out x1 1 Card icon for Pilfer Pilfer x1 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Pyroknight Pyroknight x1 1 Card icon for Remembrance Remembrance x1 1 Card icon for Seek Power Seek Power x1 1 Card icon for Silence Silence x1 1 Card icon for Spy Glass Spy Glass x2 1 Card icon for Tinker Apprentice Tinker Apprentice x1 1 Card icon for Tock Tick Tock Tick x1 1 Card icon for Torch Torch x1 1 Card icon for Twilight Raptor Twilight Raptor x1 1 Card icon for Warning Jolt Warning Jolt x1 2 Card icon for Blistersting Wasp Blistersting Wasp x1 2 Card icon for Cabal Cutthroat Cabal Cutthroat x1 2 Card icon for Dark Wisp Dark Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Devour Devour x2 2 Card icon for Disjunction Disjunction x1 2 Card icon for Eye of Winter Eye of Winter x1 2 Card icon for Fledgling Owlet Fledgling Owlet x1 2 Card icon for Forgotten Find Forgotten Find x1 2 Card icon for Fragility Fragility x1 2 Card icon for Illicit Armament Illicit Armament x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Ranger Lethrai Ranger x1 2 Card icon for Ornate Katana Ornate Katana x1 2 Card icon for Piercing Shot Piercing Shot x1 2 Card icon for Pyre Adept Pyre Adept x1 2 Card icon for Rolant's Favor Rolant's Favor x1 2 Card icon for Static Bolt Static Bolt x1 2 Card icon for Stonescar Stranger Stonescar Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Sudden Stampede Sudden Stampede x1 2 Card icon for Talon of Nostrix Talon of Nostrix x1 2 Card icon for Vampire Bat Vampire Bat x1 2 Card icon for Vara's Favor Vara's Favor x1 2 Card icon for Xenan Initiation Xenan Initiation x1 3 Card icon for Assembly Line Assembly Line x1 3 Card icon for Bartholo, the Seducer Bartholo, the Seducer x1 3 Card icon for Beastcaller's Amulet Beastcaller's Amulet x1 3 Card icon for Blink Blink x1 3 Card icon for Bloodletter Bloodletter x1 3 Card icon for Crashing Avalanche Crashing Avalanche x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Devouring Shadow Devouring Shadow x1 3 Card icon for Flash Freeze Flash Freeze x1 3 Card icon for Gorgon Cutthroat Gorgon Cutthroat x1 3 Card icon for Jawbone Hatchet Jawbone Hatchet x1 3 Card icon for Lifedrinker Lifedrinker x1 3 Card icon for Oasis Sanctuary Oasis Sanctuary x1 3 Card icon for Rally Rally x1 3 Card icon for Trickster's Cloak Trickster's Cloak x2 3 Card icon for Xenan Cultist Xenan Cultist x1 4 Card icon for Lethrai Falchion Lethrai Falchion x1 4 Card icon for Magma Javelin Magma Javelin x1 4 Card icon for Malediction Malediction x1 4 Card icon for Nullblade Nullblade x1 4 Card icon for Razorquill Razorquill x1 4 Card icon for Sanguine Sword Sanguine Sword x1 4 Card icon for Soul Collector Soul Collector x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Cupbearer Xenan Cupbearer x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Guardian Xenan Guardian x1 5 Card icon for Combustion Brawler Combustion Brawler x1 5 Card icon for Crystallize Crystallize x1 5 Card icon for Fallen Militiaman Fallen Militiaman x1 5 Card icon for Hold Under Hold Under x2 5 Card icon for Horn of Plenty Horn of Plenty x1 5 Card icon for Psionic Savant Psionic Savant x1 5 Card icon for Smuggler's Stash Smuggler's Stash x1 5 Card icon for Twinbrood Sauropod Twinbrood Sauropod x1 6 Card icon for Ceremonial Mask Ceremonial Mask x1 6 Card icon for Cirso's Meddling Cirso's Meddling x1 6 Card icon for Hellfire Rifle Hellfire Rifle x1 6 Card icon for Outdraw Outdraw x1 6 Card icon for Sapphire Dragon Sapphire Dragon x1 6 Card icon for Shamanic Blast Shamanic Blast x1 6 Card icon for Stonescar Maul Stonescar Maul x1 Card icon for Fire Sigil Fire Sigil x7 Card icon for Justice Sigil Justice Sigil x4 Card icon for Primal Sigil Primal Sigil x7 Card icon for Shadow Sigil Shadow Sigil x8 Card icon for Time Sigil Time Sigil x6 Card icon for Amber Waystone Amber Waystone x1 Card icon for Amethyst Coin Amethyst Coin x1 Card icon for Common Cause Common Cause x1 Card icon for Crownwatch Standard Crownwatch Standard x1 Card icon for Emerald Coin Emerald Coin x1 Card icon for Emerald Waystone Emerald Waystone x1 Card icon for Seat of Cunning Seat of Cunning x3

Market 5

Card icon for Seat of Chaos Seat of Chaos x1 Card icon for Seat of Cunning Seat of Cunning x1 Card icon for Seat of Fury Seat of Fury x1 Card icon for Seat of Glory Seat of Glory x1 Card icon for Seat of Impulse Seat of Impulse x1


Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2 2 3

Power Sources
11 8 8 12 14 8 1

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
63 38 10 2

Card Types
33 23 43 0 46


August 19, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

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