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Icaria Blue

Throne Deck By


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Wanted Poster is great. This deck runs so many removal spells that simply drawing more cards can help you ensure that you can enact your gameplan and bury your opponent. Wanted Poster is probably worse than playing more copies of Strategize or Wisdom of the Elders, but we're already running four of each. With eight board sweepers and 24 total removal spells (counting Relic Weapons) the Posters are easy to enable. Do not just run a Poster out unless there's nearly zero chance your opponent can Silence it away, or if you just cannot afford to cast it on a future turn - it only costs one power, so you should be able to play it and play a removal spell in the same turn, but if you're on turn 4 and cast a main phase Wisdom and are forced to Harsh Rule next turn, you can consider running it out and praying. It is a blowout if you play a Wanted Poster on an opponents large beater and they just silence their own creature and get to keep beating down.

The 1-ofs are for Rise tutoring purposes. Miner's Musket allows you to cast a Rise on turn 6 and still kill a medium-sized creature that your opponent plays after a Harsh Rule. Enforcer is a tutorable Silence and a mediocre speedbump against aggro. Sword of Icaria is great and it might be correct to play more copies. A second Daisho would be nice simply to be able to use the first one killing two small creatures and Rising for the second one as a finisher, but there's plenty of ways to end games once you've gotten to the late game.

Dawnwalker decks can be a problem. If your opponent draws three Dawnwalkers, you're pretty dead. If they only draw one, you can power through it. If they draw two, you can find the Enforcer and try to stem the bleeding. Once they draw three your weapons stop being effective and your only hope is to Icaria them to death, and Icaria isn't particularly likely to survive against their Killer creatures.

Eilyn's Choice might just suck. Kaleb's Choice has been fantastic, but rarely do you want to draw multiples.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3 2

Power Sources
12 13 14 14

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Deck Rarities
21 25 18 4

Card Types
3 12 35 0 25


January 21, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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Overkill9000 Eternal Version: 1.27
Works great!

I only swapped staff of stories for another daisho.