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Hit Masters with this homebrew

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Total cost = 83,350
Total fun = Endless


You dont play with that much removal, so sometimes, you have to get creative, altou you do have Torch, Purify and Jawbone.

Drawing cards: you only have a few options to draw cards, so use them visely. A good trick is to get either Zuberi or Alhed on the field and then you play the temple scribe.

Souting: You have Scale Seeker, witch is a very good card in my eyes. Your mission is to try and use his 3 clicks to make him a 5/5 flyer, and then reck from above, in the mean while you scout, to see if you want the next card.

With Scale Seeker and Jawbone, you could use scale seekers final click, play jawbone to tricker the tribute affect. Playing a 8/6 with berserk in next round wins alot of games. (your dude will tricker with Zuberi and alhed if they are on the board)

Force: --> time really do quickenss. What I mean about this is that getting ahead in power early on is a very big advantage. So thats the reason you play with a lot of +1 power dudes in the deck.

MVP goes to Zuberi. Zuberi is new, like alot of the cards I play in this deck. Players tend to underestamate him, letting him attack, which is exactly what you want. He is somewhat hard to kill as he only have 3 power, making vanquish useless, and 5 toughness making a card as rune hammer useless.

If you have any questions or notes, please let me know. The deck is not perfect, but i had a ton of fun, getting through diamond tier with a 23-10 record, with this deck.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4

Power Sources
15 16 10 4

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Deck Rarities
17 17 13 22

Card Types
37 4 14 0 25


August 19, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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Eclipzerlol Eternal Version: 1.37
Funny, i was trying Scale Seeker in a Rakano List and i agree, he feels nice.
Looks like a cool list, nice work!