The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
The deck already plays two Copperhall Elite mainboard. Since the usefulness of the card is quite matchup dependent, I don't think you want to play all four copies main.
Well you may be right, I was thinking the ideal situation when tavord picks it, so 9-4 aegis overwhelm seems prety broken. Mybe that doesent happens so often, or does not woth removing other card, not much test with the deck so far. tx
With diplo seals and 3 sets of dual faction lands, the deck is running 16 non-sigil lands, meaning that Seats would be depleted around 64% of the time on average, while Banners are usually undepleted from turn 3 onwards, due to the high creature count of the deck.
No Unseen Commando? I really like this list, but the lack of this card perplexes me as he seems like he'd be really great with Copperhall Elite. I'm gonna test this out and try to fit him in here. Gratz on the tournament finish, btw.
While Commando is without doubt a very strong card and might have some useful SB applications, I don't think it fits into the main deck, since, at its core, it is a minotaur tribal deck. Looking at the current 3 drops, we have:
Recordkeeper, a multifaction 4/4 for 3 that you can loot with Tavrod and even has a nice entomb bonus effect on top of that.
Enforcer, which is completetly busted, since the majority of the high cost creatures are played for their effects and not their raw stats.
Moreover, one of the main strengths of the deck is that it somewhat blanks annihilate, since you don't care about instigator and enforcer already creates value on summon, leaving only Doom as a potential target.
Unseen works well in a deck with a lot of units with multiple abilities. Other than elite, his units all have one ability. He is focusing on the Minotaur synergy instead.
Recordkeeper, a multifaction 4/4 for 3 that you can loot with Tavrod and even has a nice entomb bonus effect on top of that.
Enforcer, which is completetly busted, since the majority of the high cost creatures are played for their effects and not their raw stats.
Moreover, one of the main strengths of the deck is that it somewhat blanks annihilate, since you don't care about instigator and enforcer already creates value on summon, leaving only Doom as a potential target.