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Masters 7.8.18 | Mono Combrei Unity

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Mono Time + Sword of Unity

Honestly I felt like I had great matches against most of the current meta.

Anything Time/X based felt hard to lose.

Infect was just based on drawing sword of unity and valkyrie enforcer. Still ended up winning more than I lost to it.

Fire Justice Shadow (Jund) nearly impossible to lose with Sword of Unity; without drawing it you can randomly get out topdecked.

You can run Initiate of the Sands if you want over sauropod; I find sauropod to not be as immediately torched, and it's effectively the same. I opted for it because I have shiny ones.

Worldbearer Behemoth is a card i alternate in and out as I went. I don't dislike it, but it's signifanctly less threatening to start the turn with than Alhed. Also Alhed into Friendly Wisp is pretty sweet.

I'll answer any specific questions that anyone has.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
22 12 9

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
11 13 27 17

Card Types
37 10 8 0 25


July 11, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

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Palaryel Edited Eternal Version: 1.36
Trying your deck with minor adjustments (2 Alheds replaced with 2 Behemoths), anyways I find myself mana starved a lot of the time, did you feel the need to adjust the mana base?
efertik Eternal Version: 1.36
Are there enough power sources in this deck? There are only 25 power - the bare minimum - and while you do have the Wrangler and the Merchant, they can be killed and also don't help fix the rather strict influence requirements. Most Time/XXX midrange decks I've seen have 4 Seek Power, at a minimum.
Max Eternal Version: 1.36
I never got around to exploring that route, and the only thing I have against it is Two 4/4's aren't going to hold up vs Icaria, and thats the main purpose I put siraf in for was to get a 12/12 killer. All said and done I never used Siraf's.

I only ever wanted sword, terrazon, and killers.

I don't dislike great parliament there but it definitely didn't add anything in new to this deck equation. I'm going to try it out to see if I'm just madly wrong for not running it.
Slysoft Eternal Version: 1.36
I feel like if I was at 8+ power I'd rather have great parliament over siraf's choice 99/100 times but I've not actually used the card so maybe you've found it useful?
SasquatchBrah Eternal Version: 1.36
That sounds reasonable to me - not to mention you can cast it on the same turn as your play your merchant