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The Ladies Call Me Chunk "Chunky" Chunk

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




What's this deck all about?
It's an aggro Skycrag Yetis deck.

I heard on Reddit that aggro was bad. Why should I play aggro?
Because greedy Icaria decks are quite popular right now, and aggro is good against those decks.

There's a lot of different aggro decks out there - Stonescar, Mono Fire, and even regular Skycrag Aggro. Why should I play this deck?
There are a few powerful things that this deck can do that other aggro decks cannot.

1) Because it is a tribal deck, it can run Common Cause, which makes its influence a lot easier to reach. This means that it's easier to activate effects like Champion of Fury or simply to avoid getting influence screwed in the early game when you need to curve out.

2) Because it is a Yeti deck, it can run Pokpok, Rockpacker, a 0 mana 2/6 that generates a Snowball on summon, as well as 4 copies of Wump, Party Starter and Thudrock's Masterwork, both of which are Xenan Obelisks with upside that cost 3. These are great cards to have in an aggro deck and are only available if you play Yetis.

3) Because it is less commonly seen than other aggro decks, your opponent may be less familiar with what cards it runs and therefore play poorly. For example, I have frequently seen opponents fail to play around Thudrock's Masterwork because it's not a commonly seen card and therefore they are not expecting it.

4) It's fairly cheap. Not, like, super duper mega cheap or anything, but still pretty reasonable for a player on a budget.

Won't Hailstorm wreck me?
Between Charge units, Aegis units, 2x Swift Refusal and some cards that don't die to Hailstorm (Masterwork, Pokpok, Crunch/Chunk Chunk with a Snowfort or Masterwork on the field), the deck is fine against Hailstorm. Harsh Rule faces the same treatment.

What about Vara, Vengeance Seeker?
Ice Bolt, Torch, Permafrost in the market, Masterwork and Chunk Chunk to stun.

Is this deck Tier 1?
Hard to say. I think it's a great deck, but I suspect that when the Icaria bubble pops and decks start to get less greedy, it's going to be less great, but still probably playable to good because the cards it's running are just inherently powerful. At any rate, it's also a fun deck and yetis are cute and awesome to play.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
16 21 12

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
19 22 18 4 4

Card Types
39 4 8 4 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]


August 3, 2019

June 28, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) August 3, 2019



sto650 Eternal Version: 1.46.9
Thanks for this list, Alison! I had mostly given up on masters this month, but started using this list. Blitzed through the last two games of Diamond II and all the way through Diamond I in less than an hour. Safely into masters!
SinthoraS Eternal Version: 1.46.9
What do you at least want to keep a hand?

PS: The possible combo with wump is great!
In a losing position i played a spy, into a spy, into a pioneer and attacked for the win^^
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.9
Keep functional hands. Don't keep hands where your first play is on 3 if possible.
SinthoraS Eternal Version: 1.46.9
Would you keep anhand with 2 yetis und some removal ?
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.9
Yes, if the yetis weren't too expensive and the power was functional. I would not keep 2 3-drops.
KapperWA Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Really enjoying this deck, only needed to make the Thunderock sites. One tweak I made was replacing the Mischief Yetis with Blurreechaser. I find Blur much more useful as a) harder to kill, b) easier to force through for damage consistently, and c) the twist to make him stronger with scout comes in really handy. I also took Torrential Downpour out of my market and put in an Iceberg Warchief. The +2 to spells and +2 to all yetis seems to be a pretty great option to finish the game or just keep up the pressure. I'm thinking to switch out some basic powers for Granite and Cobalt Waystones, too. I don't see any downside as those don't come into play depleted and nothing in this deck takes advantage of basic power as opposed to waystones.
Edit: Oh, Seat of Fury takes advantage of basic sigils.
Edit2: My market is now: Crest of Fury, Ice Bolt, Ruincrawler Yeti, Obliterate, Iceberg Warchief.
Very fun deck, actually a lot of decisions to be made and opportunities to trick opponents.
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Blurreechaser is a fun idea even if I don't fully believe in it, but keep in mind that it's a 2 drop, so you'll be altering your curve if you swap out 1 drops for B lurrees. I don't think Iceberg Warchief is a bad idea, I would cut Jawbone Greatsword for it if I wanted to.
KapperWA Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Yeah, there's definitely something to be said for if the Mischief Yeti sticks. The extra damage from the start can really add up if your opponent doesn't have low cost removal in their opening hand. But I just got frustrated with him consistently dying so easily, whether it be from Vara's Favor (hate that) or wee blocker like a Grenadin. Blur felt like I had more options as you can mold him from 1/3 2/2 or 3/1 even without a site or wumpwump. And the quickdraw often makes him very tough to block. Dunno, maybe he slows down the deck, though.
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I think if you run Blurreechaser then you go for a different variant on Yetis that abuses Scout synergy. Yeti Spyglass, Peaktop Trekker etc.
Macewindu420 Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Got six wins in the Grenade event with this deck. Swapped out Swift Refusal for Ghodan because I like jank.
Jkjkgrl Eternal Version: 1.46.8
FEMTO Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Who could be a good replacement for Pokpok? I dont have Dead Reckoning
KapperWA Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I might suggest Yeti Troublemaker. You lose the utility of the snowball, but you gain much more board pressure.
Blacklegion100 Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I used this deck exclusively to get into the Top 50 this month. Thanks again for the great list.
grafomonk Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
The deck is solid but what if I lost the table or out of cards or power? Can I have something in the market to solve this problems? Now market seems a little bit useless. Jawbone Greatsword is very situational and if you need it means that you've already lost. Obliterate is sometimes too heavy. And when you need a Backlash you need it in your hand - most times don't have smuggler in your hand and 5 power to play them both in your and opponent's turn.
Blacklegion100 Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I swapped Backlash for Honor of Claws I never used Backlash once in the 20+ Times of playing this deck. You’ll need to learn when to pull the card out but it’s defibtely been helpful. Also swap Mischeif Yeti for Yeti Spy that made a huge difference
Jkjkgrl Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
How's it in gauntlet, bout to try it out!
Blurrchaser k thanks
Nitymp Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I use it in gauntlet quite a lot and it does really well tbh. Some match-ups are rough and I can lose when I'm off-colour, but still average a full 7-0 every 2-3 runs?
Jkjkgrl Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Is this Masters grinding?
Nitymp Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Yes it is
Blacklegion100 Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I swapped Mischief Yeti for Yeti Spy and I've found it to be much better. The current card selection doesnt synergize well with Mischief Yeti's renown effect whereas the extra card draw from Yeti Spy's effect is extremely helpful and easy to proc.
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I agree the renown tends to be underwhelming - I really only play it because it's a 2/1 for 1 with a Yeti tag. Spy is an interesting idea but I don't believe in playing 1/1s that draw cards in aggro, although I'm glad if it works for you.
JDboi Eternal Version: 1.46.8
This deck is phenomenal right now. Took it from 900 masters to top 100 at the end of the month. Thanks for the list!
JDboi Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Side note, the perma for ice bolt swap was a great move. Win-rate spiked substantially following that.
LeadToGold Edited Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I've always enjoyed yetis. I use Eilyn's Intervention instead of Swift Refusal. Dealing 3 to an enemy flyer can be a lifesaver.
I also put in a couple of Ruincrawler Yetis to pop annoying relics
grafomonk Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Seems like quite good tweaks, thx
TheL0rd0fSpace Eternal Version: 1.46.8
>I heard on reddit

Damn dude, why you gotta call me out like that?
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I'm not a dude! But yes, I've always strongly disagreed with some of the ideas that I see popularized on Reddit and aggro being bad is one of them.
legendofraiko Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Always hated going up against Yeti decks, and this list seems like the one to fear the most. Can't beat 'em so I'll just join 'em, I guess...
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
More yetis players is always nice! <3
Luchito Eternal Version: 1.46.8
pretty solid deck.
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Thank you :)
Macewindu420 Eternal Version: 1.46.8
I've been playing this archetype for about a week now and so far this seems like the best version ever created.
Alison Eternal Version: 1.46.8
Thanks :) I love yetis!