I'm morticians_crypt from twitch. I go by the name evilfurby123 on eternal.
I've created this deck and took it to masters. The deck can be a little complicated to play but it's very rewarding when played well.
The match up that can be a little tough are curse decks and 4 color control.
Some of the tricks of the deck are puting sodi spellshaper on linrei's to ping face for mass draw.
Marketing for shapeshifter mask and putting it on usually the market for when Yorja on the board.
Linrei can also be great to find read the runes to stop Shen-Ra speaks or Dring Gryffyn.
Also when playing vs agent port you need to be careful about how many cards you put on the board specially 2 colors at the same time like 2 borderlands lookouts or a earth shaker and yorja. Cast into Shadow can blow you up real quick.
Also another card to be careful around is Ageworn Vestige. That can also blow you out.
For killing sites you have Sodi, Wingbreaker. If you have wasp you can play it on there turn swing face to draw a card and drop sodi to snag the sites.