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(masters Gauntlet 18-1) Rakano Gun Club

Gauntlet Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




This deck has been going on average 1-2 full runs in a row before a loss. Most of my losses have been player error (Greedy market grabbing Deepforge Plate without the Mana or wongly using a Mulligan for a faster/better start) normally it makes sense to use Oni Ronin instead of Steady Marshall, but I wanted to build a Gunslinger Trible deck as much as possible (only x3 cards, Zuberi in the main deckand Navi in the market, are not).

Deck Tech:

This deck rides the line between Aggro and Mid-Range. I have victories ranging between 4 turns and 12 turns and it has averaged out to be about 7.44 turns when I last calculated out of around 30 gauntlet games. Most of the games range between 6-9 turns. I don't have enough data to show which AI it does well against and which it struggles with, but it is 5:0 against bosses so far (Highly Skilled, Sudden Death, Limitless Possibilities (x2), and Company of Exiles).

Key Cards:

Whirling Duo this is one of the core cards in most, if not every, aggressive Rakano deck. 3/3 charge lifesteal is amazing.

Jekk, Hunted Fugitive it is pretty rare that this card doesn't finish the game for me, but it does occasionally get hit with an AI's removal which is troublsome.

Milos Izalio, Heir to Rebellion provides occasionally useful Ramp but gives free Double Damage which works really well with the weapons for huge damage. The ramp can mean playing 4 or 5 drops when I am Mana screwed at 3 or playing things like Vanquish or torch turn 4 after equipping.

Zuberi, Outlands Warlord allows this card to thrive in the mid and even late game. He avoids Vanquish and Torch while providing a big blocker or decent damage depending on the situation. If he sticks it's usually 3 turns at most before I can win. He is substantially better than Hellfire Oni IMO. He was originally added as filler because I only had two Marley, but I am considering keeping him at this point.

Longbarrel and Vanquisher's Blade are both high utility cards allowing Milos to swing for 10dmg turn 4.

Inquisitor's Blade and Deepforged Plate both usually enable a unit to end the game.

Sheriff Marley is a very solid in this deck. 4/4 aegis with tribute silence and a pay 3 draw a 1/1 unit with aegis ability is very strong. I am not sure it is as fast as Zuberi, and since this is for Gauntlet that is important, this card is sometimes what I use to grab a Deepforged Plate from the market late game if I can end soon. However this card gives a solid unit which I prefer to Zuberi against control decks. Running 4 of these instead of 2 is definitely viable and likely better vs People.

Some cards I am unsure about + issues with the deck:

The Mana needs to be fine tuned for this deck, the curve feels off but this could be because of a lack of card draw.

I have no real card draw but I don't own/see any cards in Rakano colors that would provide decent card draw and also not slow down this deck a ton or throw off the Mana curve.

Stella, the Shotcaller is really powerful but an aegis 2/2 unit for 3 that I have to equip is pretty rough however it can make my late game strong but another unit might just win it prior to the late game. Aegis is wonderful vs removal heavy AI decks. Unless it is turn 3 and opponent has a 3/3+ unit or a 2/2+ and I don't have a weapon I usually prioritize dropping this.

Navani, Warsinger is really strong but is really only in my market to add consistency in case I don't have a turn 4+ unit to play. If a beetter body unit that can be played turn 4 reliably is suggested I would go for it, ideally it would be a Gunslinger but I am open to whatever.

Market Issues:

Jekk, Hunted Fugitive is really strong for me, but I am considering putting it in my market or making another one and putting that in my market. Because this unit acts as my finisher very regularly it would make since to have a more reliable way to get it. This deck however doesn't always need it.

Right now I have a Rakano Banner + Navani, Warsinger for consistency in the market, Bore gives me an answer to unwanted attachments, and both Deepforged Plate and Obliterate act as finishers. The issue is with me averaging wins on turn 7 or 8 this means that I will probably not have the Mana to play Obliterate. Bore is very situational but I find myself rarely turning to Navani, Warsinger or Obliterate. I either am choosing not to gamble on drawing power or I choose Deepforged Plate if I can't win with an Obliterate that turn. I am wondering if there are better options than Obliterate or Navani, Warsinger. Should I prioritize impact or consistency? Potentially Righteous Fury, Cloud of Ash or Groundbreaker could be decent impact cards but still be in line with keeping the deck consistent. On the other side Bad News, Jekk, Hunted Fugitive, Soulfire Drake, or keeping Obliterate mean the market might not be playable on retrieval but have big impacts.

Thank you for taking the time to read all of this and any input is much appreciated. This deck is far from finalized, but it is already a beast in Gauntlet.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
18 17 12 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
14 23 25 7

Card Types
31 12 10 0 27

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


August 23, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

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