This deck is so fun. Some games, you assume the role of control and win through your maindeck finishers. However, if you draw transpose early, you can go on the worldpyre route and start slamming ridiculous stuff. Xulta arcanum also combos so nicely with pit of lenekta and omenscar wurm. Aggro matchup is a tossup but this deck eats other slower decks alive. In most matches, I find myself winning through chaining multiple turns. After you're set up to start closing the game out, broker aid of the hooru. The usual sequence (with worldpyre out) is play aid of the hooru, and then from there, just chain aids and extra turns and beat down. Aids usually draw into more aids, as well as sols rest if you've brokered it, meaning that once you cast an aid of the hooru, assuming you used worldpyre (so you have extra power to do other stuff), you've won the game.