While it's hard for a "stock" version of such a niche deck to exist this is what I've arrived at. Yetis as a strategy is misunderstood as being "bad aggro" when it should be played more like a value fast midrange (upon rereading this sentence this means nothing. I just mean your cards aren't useless in the late game unlike all-in aggro) list. Prioritize damage early, see a bunch of cards with Crunch/Slope Sargeant, find lethal late with merchant/burn/unit swarm. Pokpok snowballs are excellent anti-aggro or market fodder, Eilyn's intervention is great against fliers or damage-based removal, and Crunch/Slope Sargeant let's you filter the niche cards out of your hand when there's no merchants to dump them.
Yetis finds its place in the meta when there are lots of midrange/control lists that rely on damage-based removal like hailstorm, or when Haunted Highway is very popular as in my experience that matchup is even or maybe slightly yeti-favored.