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Jennev Token Midrange [Master 5/12/2020]

Expedition Deck By


Cost Curve




Core shell idea is from Sunyveil's 4f Jekkinations. I've made some pretty substantial changes following the nerfs to FTS Sac and some due to personal preference.

Basic idea is draw a bunch of cards and make a bunch of little things. Then speed out an early Edge of Uprising to clean up seeds and the opponent's health total or finish a long game with Grodov's Burden in the market. Remember that although Kato, Arena Herald is a single faction card, he makes multifaction tokens for Mother of Skies. It can be very tempting to play a Tota Pioneer on 2 to curve into an Auralian Supplier but if you have the option, Kato is usually better, especially if you see your opponent playing Fire.

The biggest change from Sunyveil's list is playing Ephemeral Wisp, which is a good card to throw at Kindling Carver or Jekk, Mercenary Hunter, blocks well, and persistently counts towards Edge of Uprising. It's also much better now that sac decks are nerfed and Blightmoth will be seeing less play.

Turn to Seed is a really unique removal option and I want to talk a little bit about how I play it in this deck. It's usually pretty bad to use it on things that have less than 2 health, since the seeds block well against about half of the deck. However, some high priority small hits are Kindling Carver and Rectifier, and removing all copies can really slow down the Praxis engine. In general, try to hold on to this until you have a plan to deal with the seeds; Jekk, Mercenary Hunter, Rectifier, and Edge of Uprising all do great at this. In a pinch, you can reset target seeds to reset the count, but having a 5/7 overwhelm on the other side can easily cost you the game as we don't have great removal for big stuff.

Regarding the nerfs, the changes to Rectifier, and Kato, Arena Herald are not very impactful to this deck's playstyle and they are still generally good cards so I've left them all in. I found that in this deck, Nahid's distillation is much worse on 5 than on 4, so I ended up swapping it for Wisdom of the Elders. I removed unseen interloper as I felt the fixing was pretty unneeded and I didn't want it as sac fodder since the only outlet is Kindling Carver. Eremot's Machinations is no longer a market option so that made the choice to cut Interloper substantially easier.

Speaking of the market, I was pretty unhappy with the Crack the Earth market so I swapped to Transpose. Not only are the options on 4 better, both the damage and the fast aegis are relevant. The aegis can protect against opposing Turn to Seed or any relic removal, and the damage can trigger looting with an active Edge of Uprising as well. I usually prefer Crystalline Chalice over Linrei's codex unless I want the spellcraft and/or flying to force damage or the flying to block an aerial threat. Chalice on an Ephemeral wisp or double damage Jekk is very good.

If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy the deck :)

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 3

Power Sources
15 12 12 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
13 16 28 12

Card Types
33 5 17 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]

Aggro Midrange

June 7, 2020

May 12, 2020


Eternal Version
Shadow of the Spire

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) June 7, 2020



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