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June league

Event Deck By

Work in Progress
0 Card icon for Unearth the Past Unearth the Past x1 1 Card icon for Cult Aspirant Cult Aspirant x1 1 Card icon for Mischief Yeti Mischief Yeti x1 1 Card icon for Oni Patrol Oni Patrol x1 1 Card icon for Phase Out Phase Out x2 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x1 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Temper Temper x1 1 Card icon for Training Ground Training Ground x1 1 Card icon for Unmoored Valkyrie Unmoored Valkyrie x1 1 Card icon for Warning Jolt Warning Jolt x1 1 Card icon for Yeti Bully Yeti Bully x1 2 Card icon for Angry Prophet Angry Prophet x1 2 Card icon for Ankle Cutter Ankle Cutter x1 2 Card icon for Auric Reclaimer Auric Reclaimer x1 2 Card icon for Awakened Student Awakened Student x1 2 Card icon for Cabal Repeater Cabal Repeater x1 2 Card icon for Cloudsnake Saddle Cloudsnake Saddle x1 2 Card icon for Devotee of the Sands Devotee of the Sands x1 2 Card icon for Heirloom Seeker Heirloom Seeker x1 2 Card icon for Horde Duelist Horde Duelist x1 2 Card icon for Incendiary Slagmite Incendiary Slagmite x1 2 Card icon for Isolate Isolate x1 2 Card icon for Kerendon Steward Kerendon Steward x1 2 Card icon for Kosul Diplomat Kosul Diplomat x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Courtier Lethrai Courtier x1 2 Card icon for Packbeast Packbeast x1 2 Card icon for Rakano Stranger Rakano Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Reinforced Tower Shield Reinforced Tower Shield x1 2 Card icon for Steadfast Paladin Steadfast Paladin x1 2 Card icon for Svetya's Faithful Svetya's Faithful x1 2 Card icon for Venomfang Dagger Venomfang Dagger x1 3 Card icon for Blink Blink x1 3 Card icon for Bloodletter Bloodletter x1 3 Card icon for Camp Surveyor Camp Surveyor x1 3 Card icon for Censari Dervish Censari Dervish x1 3 Card icon for Desperado Desperado x1 3 Card icon for Ebon Dune Smuggler Ebon Dune Smuggler x1 3 Card icon for Fireheart Recruit Fireheart Recruit x1 3 Card icon for Flickerling Flickerling x1 3 Card icon for Hero of the People Hero of the People x1 3 Card icon for Inner Might Inner Might x1 3 Card icon for Mighty Strikes Mighty Strikes x1 3 Card icon for Retribution Retribution x2 3 Card icon for Spiteful Lumen Spiteful Lumen x1 3 Card icon for Submerged Titan Submerged Titan x1 4 Card icon for Bladerang Bladerang x1 4 Card icon for Blaze Blaze x1 4 Card icon for Court Mage Court Mage x1 4 Card icon for Galeprowler Galeprowler x1 4 Card icon for Lens of Clarity Lens of Clarity x1 4 Card icon for Mass Entomancy Mass Entomancy x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x1 4 Card icon for Razorquill Razorquill x1 4 Card icon for Recogulator Recogulator x1 4 Card icon for Sauropod Crasher Sauropod Crasher x2 4 Card icon for Striped Araktodon Striped Araktodon x1 4 Card icon for Throne Warden Throne Warden x1 4 Card icon for Umbral Edge Umbral Edge x1 4 Card icon for Welding Torch Welding Torch x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Fanatic Xenan Fanatic x1 5 Card icon for Combustion Brawler Combustion Brawler x1 5 Card icon for Confiscate Confiscate x1 5 Card icon for Dustblind Dustblind x1 5 Card icon for Eviscerate Eviscerate x1 5 Card icon for Grimy Alp-luachra Grimy Alp-luachra x1 5 Card icon for Hold Under Hold Under x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x1 5 Card icon for Scarecrow Scarecrow x1 6 Card icon for Cloudsnake Matriarch Cloudsnake Matriarch x1 6 Card icon for Diving Pteriax Diving Pteriax x1 6 Card icon for Outdraw Outdraw x1 6 Card icon for Shamanic Blast Shamanic Blast x1 6 Card icon for Sunscorched Elemental Sunscorched Elemental x1 6 Card icon for Vara's Sanctum Vara's Sanctum x1 7 Card icon for Direwood Lurker Direwood Lurker x1 7 Card icon for Enraged Araktodon Enraged Araktodon x1 7 Card icon for Icequake Icequake x1 7 Card icon for Rumbling Contraption Rumbling Contraption x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Thunder Giant Thunder Giant x1 Card icon for Justice Sigil Justice Sigil x8 Card icon for Shadow Sigil Shadow Sigil x8 Card icon for Amber Coin Amber Coin x1 Card icon for Amethyst Coin Amethyst Coin x1 Card icon for Combrei Banner Combrei Banner x1 Card icon for Granite Coin Granite Coin x1 Card icon for Hooru Insignia Hooru Insignia x1 Card icon for Xenan Banner Xenan Banner x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 31: A Light in the Darkness
June 1-30, 2019
“There are more stories waiting to be told…” —Jishu, the Burning Brush


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
4 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 3 10 1 10 3

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
60 22 7 1

Card Types
52 9 23 0 22


June 7, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

BBCode For Comments

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